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Howdy from a TBI survivor
NovaLW Wrote:Show me some form of documentation otherwise my fraud accusation story stills stands ^_^. If you had sworn less you might have gotten a smidgen of sympathy, but perhaps its the condition again so I must apologize. [IMG]file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Gordon%20Millar/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/My%20Logitech%20Pictures/Pictures%20and%20Videos/CD/Picture%2047.jpg[/IMG]Sorry once a skeptic always a skeptic. I don't believe "fucktards" like me keep ANYONE with a "TBI" or at least ANYONE with a mild to severe one (Since mild is a concussion) if anything we keep them from posting their injuries as an excuse for vulgar or obscene behavior or a forum, and rather unfortunately may keep some weaker minded individuals, NOT LIKE YOURSELF, from posting at all....

dude get a life and stop being an trolling asshole........feel priveleged he was open and shared such a personal story!
Siggy by Minizila :3 ~


Welcome moonrunner, enjoy your stay to the palace!

one eyed pirate Wrote:GIVE IT A REST ALREADY!

dude get a life and stop being an trolling asshole........feel priveleged he was open and shared such a personal story!

Okay! Sorry Moonrunner.

first off,welcome to the forum.your statements regarding your TBI are questionable.

"I used to think you were crazy, but now I can see your nuts."-Austin Powers

Nobody on 'teh internets' has to be who they say they are. Nobody here is using their real name, am I right?

Richard Sennet, in his book The Fall of Public Man, describes how in 18th century England and France it was customary for gentlemen and ladies to assume a public persona very different from their private one. One evening a merchant might dress up as a sea captain to attend a play and all who met him that night, even those who knew him, would greet him as such and playfully ask about his ship, etc. Public life was an act of theater.

Sennet shows that this separation between public and private life gradually eased until by 1977, when he wrote the book, it had all but disappeared. He lamented the loss.

But, tada, with the internet we can, once again, assume any persona we wish. What was old is new again!

Welcome, Moonrunner. The above is not say your story wasn't true. Rather, my point is that it shouldn't matter- we should just take everyone here at their word and enjoy the story they share regardless of verisimilitude.

X's and O's

I wrote my first short story:
The Promise

Here's my second effort:
Trudy's Travails

wow this is the first time i've acctually seen your intro. welcome...... even though i've allready chatted with you one here a bit lol.

I love to RP and im happy to accomodate just about any fetish, kink or gender into them. I hope to hear from your soon Wink

....welcome to fp hope you enjoy your stay..........and a breif comment on some earlier posts (breif cause I don't really want to be dragged into an argument) personally I tend to believe people here at their word and be rather trusting here........seeing as to how lying and flaming because of distrust and whatnot could drag our civil blogging place into a darker existence........other than that well I try not to lie about the important stuff and'll correct myself gladly if i'm wrong..........


Mmn, such a sweet disposition, if only a few more gals shared the sentiment.~[URL=""][/URL] << actively seeking females, especially those willing to do pregnancy set-ups; casually seeking shemales (and occasionally futa/herms if you impress me OOC)

Thanks for the welcomes.

I just want to say I never intended to cause any controversy with my introduction, I was just telling you about myself. As to whether I have a brain injury, well I just wonder why on earth anyone would lie about that? It is part of who I am and it colors my interactions with the world. It makes me wonder if you saw a person in a wheelchair if you would ask them if they were faking? My injury is not visible, but it has a very significant effect on who I am. It has made my life suck pretty bad, but it also led me to meet the love of my life who is also a TBI Survivor.

When I was 4 years old I was put on Melaril, an anti-psychotic because I couldn't control my anger. It has taken me a long time to get a grip on that and mostly I do it by not letting things bother me. Sometimes they do and I blow up, but it is gone fast too. I also use my sense of humor as a defense mechanism. I tend to put myself down alot with self depreciating humor. I think I do that more to beat others to the punch.

Anyway the Point is I don't really care if you believe me or not. I am who I am. If you don't think it is worth getting to know me, then it is your loss, not mine.

Thanks to all those who have supported me. I appreciate it more than you know.


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