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Howdy from a TBI survivor

mmmm e-orgy, that sounds fun. I've seen a bit of the Lilly thread, and it was fascinating.

As for my oversharing, it was a bit of a joke on my part. I have a nasty habit of boring people with too much detail. I try to keep it short.

I love engineering. I have a degree in Lasers, and a degree in computer networking. AS degrees, I just couldn't hack it studying for a BS in physics. Looking back I wish I had studied mechanical engineering. I love machines. My head is filled with things I want to build and play with.

Oh well the past is gone, and tomorrow is coming fast.




It is better to keep your mouth shut, and be thought a fool, then to open it and remove all doubt. (mark twain)

When I cut my finger, that's a tragedy. When you fall down a manhole and die, that's a comedy. (Mel Brooks)

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity (Robert Heinlein)

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. (Albert Einstein)

You took all of that straight out of wikipedia =P No offense, and I wouldn't have taken offense had I not ACTUALLY received a concussion in my lifetime and must say its Bad Pie, ceertainly not something to use as an excuse to say stuff on the internet (In fact they mention that at the end maybe someone we know added it ^_^). Survivor is a bit strong unless your injury was truly catostrophic!

However, Welcome to our glorious ranks! Please make yourself at home! ^_^

NovaLW Wrote:You took all of that straight out of wikipedia =P No offense, and I wouldn't have taken offense had I not ACTUALLY received a concussion in my lifetime and must say its Bad Pie, ceertainly not something to use as an excuse to say stuff on the internet (In fact they mention that at the end maybe someone we know added it ^_^). Survivor is a bit strong unless your injury was truly catostrophic!

However, Welcome to our glorious ranks! Please make yourself at home! ^_^

Well well, you had a concussion. Call the wambulance and gtfo. This man should be given some respect to even tell us this. Though, I'll gladly rip a part of your brain out, if you want to see what it's like to receive a traumatic head injury.

First of all... he never tells us how it even happened and if it was really so traumatic and caused depressions for 33 years one would usually mention that before the fact it made him do perverted things online as not to underplay the significance of the injury. I was not vying for your sympathy when i told you i've had a concussion, It sucks, but really its not that fuckin bad at all happens to 7th graders in football ALL the time... "Traumatic Brain Injury" can mean such a huge variety of things from being dropped on the head as a baby to being shot in the forehead. Dont get me wrong, Its too bad he got this injury, but it sounds TO ME like he spat up a bunch of information he picked up on Wiki and Google and i'm not going to buy into it, sorry, no sympathy from me. And in the ever so apt words of Family Guy: "HEY! THIS GUYS' A BIG PHONY!" And once again I apologize but no one said the reception is required to be a cordial one ^_^ And NO ONE is diagnosed with depression at the age of 4... Ill mail you $100 if you find me a reputable case. And because I just keep reading more and laughing harder you sure don't know a lot about spelling the words a lot, but then again it may just be the brain injury you smug bastard! Sorry =P Bwahahaha


welcome welcome, nice to have you here! Wink

*Signature made by Minizila! >Big Grin<

welcome aboard

[SIZE=2]Hey, I wish I had my way,Cause everyday would be a Friday[/SIZE]

[Image: samsigv2ud8ry5.png]
NovaLW Wrote:First of all... he never tells us how it even happened and if it was really so traumatic and caused depressions for 33 years one would usually mention that before the fact it made him do perverted things online as not to underplay the significance of the injury. I was not vying for your sympathy when i told you i've had a concussion, It sucks, but really its not that fuckin bad at all happens to 7th graders in football ALL the time... "Traumatic Brain Injury" can mean such a huge variety of things from being dropped on the head as a baby to being shot in the forehead. Dont get me wrong, Its too bad he got this injury, but it sounds TO ME like he spat up a bunch of information he picked up on Wiki and Google and i'm not going to buy into it, sorry, no sympathy from me. And in the ever so apt words of Family Guy: "HEY! THIS GUYS' A BIG PHONY!" And once again I apologize but no one said the reception is required to be a cordial one ^_^ And NO ONE is diagnosed with depression at the age of 4... Ill mail you $100 if you find me a reputable case. And because I just keep reading more and laughing harder you sure don't know a lot about spelling the words a lot, but then again it may just be the brain injury you smug bastard! Sorry =P Bwahahaha

How it happened, I was hit by a car when I was three. I landed on my head and it tore half my fucking scalp off. It took over 250 stitches to put my scalp back together. It was a closed head injury, and in 1974 they knew damn little about brain injuries. I was not diagnosed with a brain injury until 1983. I was tested then because of all the problems I had. I was not diagnosed with depression until 2006. That is why I was depressed for 33 fucking years jackass. Once I got on medication, I improved dramaticly, but I still have a shitload of problems. The attitude of fucktards like you is why so many people with TBI's never seek treatment.

A concussion is a mild TBI, but it is still a TBI. I had catscans done that showed significant atrophy on both sides of my brain.

Next time you want to accuse someone of being a fraud, you might actually want to ask some questions first jackass.


hello moonrunner and welcome to the palace!enjoy your stay and love the Usura avy,very hawt!thanx for sharing your story............

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=30718]

Siggy by Minizila :3 ~

moonrunner Wrote:How it happened, I was hit by a car when I was three. I landed on my head and it tore half my fucking scalp off. It took over 250 stitches to put my scalp back together. It was a closed head injury, and in 1974 they knew damn little about brain injuries. I was not diagnosed with a brain injury until 1983. I was tested then because of all the problems I had. I was not diagnosed with depression until 2006. That is why I was depressed for 33 fucking years jackass. Once I got on medication, I improved dramaticly, but I still have a shitload of problems. The attitude of fucktards like you is why so many people with TBI's never seek treatment.

A concussion is a mild TBI, but it is still a TBI. I had catscans done that showed significant atrophy on both sides of my brain.

Next time you want to accuse someone of being a fraud, you might actually want to ask some questions first jackass.


Show me some form of documentation otherwise my fraud accusation story stills stands ^_^. If you had sworn less you might have gotten a smidgen of sympathy, but perhaps its the condition again so I must apologize. [IMG]file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Gordon%20Millar/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/My%20Logitech%20Pictures/Pictures%20and%20Videos/CD/Picture%2047.jpg[/IMG]Sorry once a skeptic always a skeptic. I don't believe "fucktards" like me keep ANYONE with a "TBI" or at least ANYONE with a mild to severe one (Since mild is a concussion) if anything we keep them from posting their injuries as an excuse for vulgar or obscene behavior or a forum, and rather unfortunately may keep some weaker minded individuals, NOT LIKE YOURSELF, from posting at all....

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