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  Salutations, I'm NoodleJacuzzi!
Posted by: NoodleJacuzzi - 13th October 2020, 05:11 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (4)

Salutations, I'm NoodleJacuzzi. I've been developing games for quite a while now, they're all on my master index here: https://noodlejacuzzi.github.io/ if you'd like to give them a shot. I'd love to hear your feedback!

I have a lot of social anxiety, and anxiety in general, but now that I'm a game dev it's time to overcome that and shout about my games to the world! I've been meaning to post here for about a year, and with my alt account I've been lurking here years longer. Personally my favorite bit I keep coming back to on this site is sirka's Bane of Kunoichis story ( https://www.futanaripalace.com/showthrea...ht=naruto) although I like their other stuff too.

I don't want to flood the forum with 5 threads of each of my games though, so I'll make threads about them when there's new content to enjoy. I do also have a discord server (https://discord.gg/B3AszYM) if you'd like to drop by and say hello there.

Fetish-wise like girls with dicks, and pretty much every fetish I've covered in my work. If you'd like to request something please feel free to do so, I even keep links to anonymous suggestion boxes on my index.

If I make a mistake somewhere, please don't hesitate to point it out. Thanks for reading!

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Posted by: DukeyDukeyDoo - 13th October 2020, 02:05 - Forum: Introductions Area - No Replies

My name is Ian.

I came here to request art and stories based on my favorite fetishes:

Straight Shota

If you're an artist or a story writer who takes requests, send me a PM.

I also can be contacted on Discord, if anyone takes requests.

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Posted by: DukeyDukeyDoo - 2nd October 2020, 19:20 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (1)

Hello, everyone.

I came to this forum to request art-related stuff.

And to find Femdom/Straight Shota Anime Videos.

I've heard this place is as good as any to go to.

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  I'm Back
Posted by: KrEamPiEgrRL - 21st September 2020, 23:49 - Forum: Introductions Area - No Replies

Anyone remember me? XD

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  FutaScript - Script Writer and 2D Artist
Posted by: FutaScript - 21st September 2020, 20:15 - Forum: Introductions Area - No Replies

Hello everybody this is FutaScript!

I heard a lot about futanaripalace but don't know why I waited for so long to come here.
A very kind member of my small community (discord server made months ago) advised me to come here to introduce myself and to share my work.

I've read all the rules and I agree them entirely.

My nickname is FutaScript
I'm from Switzerland so I'm sorry in advance for my lack in english (I try my best I swear).
I discovered Futanari 4 years ago and was lurking around searching for futa but didn't find a lot to my taste. I decided to create my own futa scripts for GoneWildAudio. With the rarity of futa content in that community the nickname came to my mind because I planned to make only futa content.

What I like about futanari is the vulnerability, the innocence and the shyness of a girl growing a cock and not knowing much about how to please herself with her new thing.
I love passionate stories, beautiful girls with very nice curvy shapes and very vulnerable expressions.

What is a huge turn on to me is when a very beautiful curvy girl grows a cock and starts to get bigger and bigger very slowly to a massive size but *semi-realistic* (head height maybe).
She's afraid, scared but very curious to discover the male pleasure. Becoming slowly bigger than others and teasing very gently about that is so hot to me.
Maybe comparing with her big sister/big brother or even her mom with some measurements.

I'm looking for every futa content that suits what I'm looking for. I'm open to everything (that's why I discovered futanari).
Roleplaying is something that I'm afraid of. I had a very bad experience in roleplay but from a different context (not erp or simple rp) but D&D RP thing.
I would love also to share my scripts with you and I recently bought a Digital Screen Tablet for my birthday to learn how to draw. I don't have much experience but I love drawing and I did a lot from time to time on paper or for my coworkers.

Besides futa fantasies, I love to cook a lot, gardening, cycling, netflix, cinema, trance/epic music, play a lot video games (all styles, I eat them all lmao) and a lot more but it would be too long to describe.

Actually I'm involved different communities :
- Reddit : r/GoneWildAudio
- Reddit : r/GonewildAudible
- My own subreddit : r/FutanariScripts
- My own Discord server : https://discord.gg/dRrdfnC
- My twitter account to share my art (does it count as communities?) : @FutaScript

The only thing I want to say is that Futa is my biggest fantasies and it would be such a great pleasure if I can make you happy with my stories, my art because it does for me... of course it turns me on so much (giggle).
I hope my drop in the ocean will make something happen here and I'm very open for PM. Don't be shy and I'm very gentle.

Regards FutaScript,

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  You must enter a title / subject!
Posted by: r65pou - 19th September 2020, 20:18 - Forum: Introductions Area - No Replies

just gonna copy & paste the form presented on "New? Not sure what to say? Here's some suggestion".

1. I'm me.
2. From where i came from.
3. i was like 8 yrs old creating my first psn account
4. Women with higher amounts of T.
5. Poison
6. doesn't really matter
7. yes, no.
8. idk, if i don't find anything interesting at least i'll look after some porn
9. i don't remember, i created this acc in 2019......
11(yes, i inverted the order on purpose). Games, Movies, Books and Music.
10. Fav Games: Planescape, Fallout 2, Borderlands 2, Majikoi and Dawn of War 2
Fav Movies: Eureka (Shinji Aoyam
a), Mirror/Andrei Rublev (Andrei Tarkovsky), Sunless (Chris Marker), L'argent (Rober Bresson)
Fav Books: Catch-22, Ego and It's Own, Finnegan's Wake, Lolita and Gravity Rainbow.
Fav Music: Jim O'Rourke, Fishmans and Alex Cameron.
12. some stuff on discord
13. i like working out and political theory is retarded

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  Ohai there!
Posted by: weebasaur - 25th August 2020, 10:05 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (8)

Ohai there! I found this site through the Slave Maker subforum linked from the Slave Maker blog. I downloaded the game, played it a little bit, and was looking for a community for it. Looks like I found it and so much more!

My background is RPGs, I found Slave Maker looking for adult RPGs. I'm somewhat new to the concept of futa in general, relatively speaking, but I pretty much know the gist of it and find it all fascinating!

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  Jax_2020's intro...
Posted by: Jax_117 - 20th July 2020, 08:56 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (1)

Hi. I'm looking to be active here. sorry its short. i'm bad with intros..

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Posted by: zanker - 17th July 2020, 17:07 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (3)

Completely new to the scene. I think I'm most interested in images at the moment. Woudl definitely love to be active in the forum.

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  Greetings everyone!
Posted by: JustlookingforRP - 11th June 2020, 06:34 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (1)

Hi I am looking for sites to post my Discord server,
it's a role playing server but really needs
more population. I was badly sickened by lack of
adult servers with friendly experience and not too strict.

Most adult servers there asks for taking specific roles,
waste of time approval, and very risky ID requirements.
That's why Im making my own server where almost
anything goes but only for bisexual adults
who are more likely to rp as futa than other genders would.

Anyway, I love to rp but mainly prefer Discord because its very easy to use
and send images unlike other chat sites.

Let me know if its ok to post my adult roleplay Discord server here.

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