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  I am not seeing attached files in new forum style
Posted by: mignar - 13th February 2021, 02:36 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (1)

I cant see attached files in new forum style . What am i doing wrong.

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  Attachment File Size Issue
Posted by: dxasmodeus - 11th February 2021, 21:58 - Forum: News - Replies (7)


We are aware of the issue regarding the attachment file size. The setting is easily adjusted, but the staff is holding off until the final bugs are worked out of the attachment import process. Once these bugs are worked out, the strict limit will be lifted. Thank you for your patience.

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  Back After Almost 7 Years
Posted by: Zathura - 10th January 2021, 17:03 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (3)

Tbh, I'd nearly forgotten about this place. I was getting fed up with another community I was part of, and decided to check this place out again a few weeks ago. Seeing the plans for renovation was like a sign, lol.

When I was here previously it was as an amateur artist, and I plan to do so again. I haven't really improved in that span of time, because I have no innate talent and I don't practice enough. Weirdly I don't have much motivation to draw unless it's NSFW, and there are very few places for me to post that kind of thing (and furry porn wasn't really my first choice, but that's what I've been drawing infrequently for the last few years), so it's good to be able to get back to what I wanted to do in the first place.

Who knows, might even dust off my writing quill, but I might be getting ahead of myself, there.

Anyway, it's good to be back, and here's to a fresh start on a fresh site!

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Question A hello and a question
Posted by: Ptyzix - 8th January 2021, 01:11 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (1)

Hi, me being a long time lurker and because of that not knowing where to find stuff so here goes nothing

I cannot find the do not post list. All of the links I could find no longer work because of the forum engine change. And I wanted to check stuff that I found that I can post it. Can someone help me?

Sorry for broken english

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Posted by: dxasmodeus - 6th January 2021, 04:19 - Forum: News - Replies (2)

The following is a list of known issues with the new forum software. Please read this list. We ask that you DO NOT report any issue on this list. Known issues that are in strikethrough have been resolved.

  • Spoiler Tags not working properly: The plugin for the Spoiler function is not yet in place. All spoilers are exposed and in very small text.
  • Attachments not Displayed - Showing Code Text: The Forum software is still importing all of the attachments from the old forum. It will be towards the end of the month before the import is complete due to the sheer volume of attachments.
  • Forum Loading Slowly/Forum no Reloading Threads after Posting: Most likely due to the import process still running. Any posts made are still present despite the hang. Reload the page.
  • Extremely strict file size limit on Attachments. This setting will be adjusted after the attachment import process has been fully migrated. The staff is currently resolving the coding issue.

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  The Great 2021 Spambot Hunt
Posted by: dxasmodeus - 3rd January 2021, 18:43 - Forum: News - Replies (1)


To get the new year and new Forum started right, I am asking for your help and vigilance. At the end of November of last year, the vulnerabilities in the old forum software allowed a flood of spambots to register. I have manually purged around 50 of those things, but I am sure there are more. If anyone sees a spambot post, do not hesitate to report the spambot so I or the other staff members can nuke 'em with a quickness. A clean forum is a happy forum. Big Grin

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  Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here
Posted by: dxasmodeus - 3rd January 2021, 04:27 - Forum: News - Replies (117)

If you encounter any irregularities, bugs or other problems on the Forum, please post in this tread stating what the bug or other problem is. Be sure to include what web browser you are using so we can eliminate the possibility of the browser being part of the problem.

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  Welcome to the new Futanari Palace!
Posted by: Echoen - 3rd January 2021, 04:05 - Forum: News - Replies (63)

Welcome welcome! Futanari Palace is back in action on a much more stable (and updated) platform - hosted on myBB.

The former platform is still around and will now be a frozen archive or repository: https://old.futanaripalace.com/

Some things are still in progress. Attachments may take a few additional weeks to fully import, but continue to progress.

Some plugins and formatting issues will be fixed over the coming weeks. You may notice some imported threads have broken formatting. We appreciate your patience as we tinker with our new tools to automatically fix them.

Please play around, fuck about, and flex yourself across the new site.

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  Hello, dood.
Posted by: Fusion_Fool - 3rd January 2021, 03:59 - Forum: Introductions Area - No Replies

I'm Fusion Fool the 3rd or Fusion_Fool. I write smutty fanfiction usually to spite one growing interest. Started in Blazblue/MLP and fallen into the RWBY trap and enjoy crossovers...

And kinda concerned something happened because I'm not allowed to look into the other areas of the site to read or look at porn as I usually do to try and learn how to write better... and immediately forget how half way through.

EDIT: The signature is too short for the sin's I've committed so I'll just shove them here until they get deleted, dood.


My Little Pony (I shouldn't run from this, no matter how painful it may be, dood)

Borderlands 2



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Posted by: knorton2028! - 13th November 2020, 16:57 - Forum: Introductions Area - No Replies

Hi All!

To make this intro as easy as possible for me, I am going to use the suggested list to make my introduction. I know, I know...that is cheating...

  1. "Who Are You?" A guy that is into futanari art.
  2. "Where are you from?" Indiana
  3. "What's up with that nick of yours?" No clue on that one!
  4. "What do you like about futanari?" Huge cock, sexy body and that does not mean they have to have giant tits! Big balls and a big cock are the primary asset. Let's say, for example, like Cote de Pablo from NCIS having a huge cock and balls - she's be perfect!!
  5. "What got you interested in the first place?" A few years ago I ran across some photos of some hot shemales and from that point I was hooked on women being blessed with large cock and balls.
  6. "What are your favorite kinks/pairings?" I like to see futanari with guys or women or each other. But if they are with a guy I much prefer them to be much better endowed than their male partner. And no I am not into the futanari dominating the guy; well not forcing herself on him.
  7. "Have you read over our Rules and Do Not Post (DNP) List? Do you have any questions?" Yes I did, no questions at this time!
  8. "What sections are you most excited about exploring?" Finding images, would love to learn how to create futanari, that would be awesome! Love good futanari stories, too!
  9. "What brought you to our forums/How did you hear about us?" Did a google search for futanari and came across the link for this site. Said, "Hey, I have got to check this out!"
  10. "Anything else you might like to add?" Great site from what I have seen! Looking forward to learning more about the genre and being a part of this communiy.
  11. "Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?" Stained glass, traveling, hiking, cycling
  12. "Other online communities you happen to be a part of?" High Heel Place
  13. "Last words before we pass final judgment?" Thanks for the hard work you have done on this site and for running it. It is needed.

Hi Again...

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