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  Hello all you beautiful sexy things out there!
Posted by: ValiantDevil - 13th January 2019, 01:02 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (3)

Let's see, let's see~ 1. How did I get here? 2. What am I doing here? 3. Who the hell am I?

1. Google. More specifically searching for a forum based roleplaying site that allows for adult content. Felt like that dude from the Shawshank Redemption crawling through a mile of human waste trying to find a decent site that wasn't tied to some specific fanbase.

2. I was looking to get back into forum based roleplaying after a few years away only to find the places I used to play either gone, dead, or dying. This is one of the few that still seem to be up and running. I missed the migrations of the other places and don't know where everybody ended up, so I'm starting over. Which is why I'm here! So yay! I'm not going to beat around the bush, I'm here for the smut. Not that I'm opposed to said smut having a good story to go along with it. Quite the opposite in fact. I adore background world building, it really fleshes out the reasoning behind whatever lewd situation characters end up in!

3. I am me. Who else would I be? Except, of course, for the person I was yesterday. I'm a nihilist that loves everybody. After all, nothing matters in the end, and that's the whole reason we ought to smile at what we've got now. So, let's have some fun, make some love, and watch the universe burn together. Wink Or well... actually the opposite of burn. Like, the exact opposite. :unsure: Ya know, heat-death. :geek:


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  Someone not so new
Posted by: Mimsli - 11th December 2018, 00:32 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (3)

Hiya, I've been on FP for a couple years now. Unfortunately a tight schedule and many other factors regularly force me to be inactive for god knows how long.
But since I've not been active in the forums at all the past year (maybe two) I figured I'd reintroduce myself.

You can call me Ellie, I'm a 2X y/o female from somewhere in Europe™.
These days however I simply go by Mim or Mimsli.

I love to chat and socialize, get to know a variety of people from all over and most importantly to mingle in the lewds.
Gaming is my entertainment, hentai my passion and twitter my time killer.
I hope some of you can look past me being passive and inactive. For those who feel addressed: I'm sorry!

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  Hello, I'm Solitary Cafe!
Posted by: Solitarycafe - 24th November 2018, 09:05 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (2)

Hello All, I'm new to FP, thanks for having me! I am a writer of erotic/non-erotic fiction (among other things) and I especially love writing about girls that have a little extra something Big Grin.
I love focusing on character development and relationships, but I try to variate my content as much as I can. I'm excited to get some feed back here and I'm open to any and all suggestions that people might have. Please check out my 'Shooter girls' series in the story forum, if you please Smile.

Otherwise...about me: I love coffee, cooking and cats. I've been writing semi-professionally (as in, I guess I'm making a little money doing it now) for a few years, but I've been writing fiction overall for my entire life. I'm a pretty nice guy, I think; classic introvert who likes conversation XD. Feel free to send me a message any time!

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  Hey guys, it's Linty~
Posted by: linty - 19th November 2018, 02:07 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (14)

hey guys, it's been a while~!

so, i'm not new to this site, but i figured i should re-introduce myself because i've been gone for maybe 5 years or so~!

for those that don't know me, i'm Linty! i'm a hentai artist who debuted on this forum about 10 years ago~! and now i'm trying to get back at it, and i figured you guys should be the first to know!

i'm not sure where you can find my old work~! >_< probably on this site somewhere? sorry, it's been so long i forget! (those links in my sig probably don't work anymore~! >___<)
but i have a brand new Tumblr for posting new work! It has pretty much nothing yet, but here it is anyway!


but, i owe all you guys an explanation. u_u i completely disappeared and a lot of people worried. i'm so sorry guys~ ;_;

what happened is that out of some combination of anxiety, depression, finance stress, relationship turmoil, and poor life choices, i had what i can only call a complete nervous breakdown. i freaked the fuck out, i was having panic attacks every few minutes, couldn't sleep, started getting really dark thoughts. i didn't know what to do, i quit everything, i stopped drawing, i moved away, i severed all connections. and, i rebooted, and started a new life. and it was ok, i was happy, in a way i never was before~ and i never looked back, because i was too afraid i'd lose that.

but, i grew up a lot. and i think maybe i'm ok now. and i'm ready to connect to people again. and you guys were my people~! and it's because of the letters that you guys have sent over the years that have convinced me to try again~! i'm drawing again! ^w^ and i can't thank you guys enough for making me feel so loved~! ;w;

sorry for the life story~! i missed you guys so much. i'm sorry i made people worry~! ;n;
Hopefully i can make it up to you with porn~

i love you guys~!


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  Well met, pull up a chair and sit a spell
Posted by: Cassie - 13th October 2018, 16:36 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (4)

So, I'm Cassie, a twenty somethin from north eastern US. I like to read (mostly Sci-Fi and medieval fantasy), watch movies and specials on space, nature and architecture. I play D&D and have dabbled with Cyberpunk, Vampire and Modern D&D. I find most thing in life interesting and/or fascinating, and futanari/dual gender is no exception. Like peanut butter cups, two great tastes that go together!

Not sure what else to say here, so feel free to ask away and I'll do my best to answer! Smile:8:

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  Yet Another New Member
Posted by: DataPacRat - 11th October 2018, 19:57 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (1)

"Who Are You?"


"What Do You Want?"

To enjoy as many 10,000th-anniversary parties as possible.

"Why are you here?"

There's an online game-like thing called JumpChain, about individuals who keep jumping into new settings, and a new option for Winger's World was just released, which pointed here. I've enjoyed Doug's art since the '90's, so thought I'd drop by to see what's been done with the late artist's ideas lately.

"Where are you from?"

The Niagara region of Canada.

[B]"Who do you serve, and who do you trust?"

[/B]Myself, and not even myself.

"What's up with that nick of yours?"

I've been using it since around 2001; Datapac was an obscure Canadian pre/proto-internet network.

"Have you read over our Rules and Do Not Post (DNP) List? Do you have any questions?"

Yep, and nope.

"Other online communities you happen to be a part of?"

I've got galleries on FA, DA, and so on; I'm afraid there's not really any futa content, unless you count the occasional cybernetic addon.

"Last words before we pass final judgment?"

Bulbous Bouffant.

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  Reworked, Returning, and Hopeful
Posted by: Ellis Allond - 8th October 2018, 16:01 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (1)

Hello again, FP. I've seen you in my favorite bookmarks list for a long time, and I'm sorry I glossed you over... I just never really knew what to say/do before. Identity crisis and whatnot. Much as I wanted to be here, I wasn't sure I was in the right position to.

Well, now I'm confident it's time I came back to you. Some soul searching and whatnot, I finally found the form I'm most comfortable with. One that can show complete appreciation for what FP has to offer.

I never posted much.. I may still not post much, but I'm here. I'd love to meet more of you. I'm here to enjoy and be enjoyed, after all. I usually am on Discord more often than not, my go to platform for chatting between various games and my many friends. Anyone who wants to be my friend here I can happily also add there.

And in tradition, let me just go ahead and use the template question list:

"Who Are You?"

My name is Ellis Allond, though simply Ellis is preferable. I have also gone by "Ellie" a few times when cases of mistaken identity happened.

"Where are you from?"

Technically, I was born in Gridania, where I lived a mostly protected and reserved life. Got the adventuring bug, and my first stop was Limsa Lominsa to pick up on Arcanistry. After that, Ul'dah for Alchemy, and everything sort of just... barreled on from there, really.

"What's up with that nick of yours?"

I figured the title seemed appropriate, all things considered. :116:

"What do you like about futanari?"

In the end, that they are women with simply more to offer. Being bisexual with a feminine lean (were it not obvious from how I tried to feminize my own self), it just tickles all the right desires. :133:

"What got you interested in the first place?"

I've always loved the female form, but being a softer sort, I often wished roles were reversed... Where I was the one swept off his feet, hit on, courted, etc. by a forward, flirtatious woman. Futanari added a hormonal response to that desire that made it seem sensible. The more I looked at it, the more it just seemed right for me... Even if traditional roles remained the same, it still offered me more to indulge in and explore, not to mention a familiar feeling I can help bring to the ones I'd adored. Futanari is just... simply wonderful.

"What are your favorite kinks/pairings?"
Stronger and/or taller futa with effeminate male, as well as futa+male in general. Futa+female is also adored, but I can't help that exactly. :171:

I will also add I've a love of lactation/larger breasts, masturbation, lots of cum, and crossdressing. Even if I'm not a girl, I enjoy pulling the look off~ :135:

"Have you read over our Rules and Do Not Post (DNP) List? Do you have any questions?"

While the links are broken for some reason for me, I can only assume it generally follows the same guidelines as most forums. Simply put, I know not to be an asshat and keep things widely viewed as deplorable out of this sphere.

"What sections are you most excited about exploring?"

I'm generally here to meet, greet, chat, roleplay, and maybe find a few H-games/things I've not encountered before. Though that said, if you've any recommendations... :163:

"What brought you to our forums/How did you hear about us?"

It was honestly such a long, long time ago that I first found this place... I forget the details. Either it was pure accident or a friend's goading that I gave this place a look. What's bringing me back though is a hope that I can meet people who'd enjoy what I have to offer, be it friendship or just a good place to stick a futa's dick.[INDENT=14]

"Anything else you might like to add?"

I'm generally warm and welcoming. While I might not be that easy to get a hold of here, I'm happily chatting away with friends a good portion of time via Discord, as I'd mentioned earlier. If you'd like me to add you... well... :214:

"Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?"
(Out of Character) I play many games. Final Fantasy XIV is the main one, followed by WoW (when I'm subbed), Monster Hunter: World (PC), and a few others. Also an owner of a Switch. Karting, splatting, or adventuring count? :179:

"Other online communities you happen to be a part of?"

I think the main one at this point is fairly obvious. :182:

"Last words before we pass final judgment?"

I'm hoping I can beat the lurker bug this time and find more discussions I can take part in. Otherwise, I'd like to just maybe make some more friends and meet some more playmates here. While the spheres I'm a part of have yielded results, it's simply silly that I haven't updated/tried here more. I sincerely hope that this time I'm here, the futa goddesses watching from above are kind, and I meet many who I can satisfy and make happy.[INDENT=32]:148:[/INDENT]

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  Hi everyone!
Posted by: T@X!C - 27th September 2018, 09:50 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (1)

Hey! My (professional?) name is Toxic (but I'm not poisonous, don't worry!) and I'm glad I found this place, though it looks like it had better days.

Anyway, I'll put the link to my post looking to roleplay since it serves as some kind of introduction as well: https://www.futanaripalace.com/showthrea...or-someone.

If you want to know anything just post here, or send me a note or a profile message, I'll happily reply Tongueyong21:.

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Posted by: rdpeete - 9th August 2018, 18:59 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (2)

Hi, everyone! I've been a member here since 2014 but somehow, lost track of having signed up here and found it again cleaning out old bookmarks. You can call me Peete. I'm 31, a Navy Vet and have a wife who we have a GF with, a 6-month-old and 4 dogs. I love cooking and as for baking, haven't really ventured beyond cakes, pies, brownies, and cookies... Basically, the things that keep me in good standing with my 8 nieces and nephews lol I'll definitely be more active in the future having found this treasure trove again.

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  Hello. I'm Midyin
Posted by: Midyin - 13th July 2018, 22:53 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (1)

Hi, I'm an amateur Artist/Writer. I make Size Fetish Futanari comics using Daz Studios and Adobe Photoshop...

Feel free to check out my content at My Deviant Art page, and hopefully here soon..

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