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  Damn it’s been a while.
Posted by: AvalonBlade - 27th June 2019, 21:11 - Forum: Introductions Area - No Replies

So...hi. Again.

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  Long time no see!
Posted by: fuegofeerico - 12th June 2019, 17:47 - Forum: Introductions Area - No Replies

More than an introduction this is a re-introduction.

For IRL reasons i left FP a long time ago but now i'm back and willing to enjoy Roleplaying some nice and smuty stories.

In that regard i enjoy fantasy, modern and sci-fi settings. I have a few OCs already to fulfill dom or sub roles. Also i'm into long term stories with smut scenes inbetween for good measure. PM me or leave a message on my profile if you are interested or have some interesting idea and we'll see what we can make!

I feel so rusty writing in english so... Sorry if my english is bad, i'm a spanish boy that's been using less writing in the shakespearean language as of late.

See ya soon (I hope)


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  Nikki's introduction
Posted by: Nikki_Sixx - 6th June 2019, 04:15 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (1)

Hello fp. I'm Nikki. I'm a fan of futanari (Obviously) and have been for a very long time. I hope to make a lot of new friends and engage in some fun and exciting topics. Hopefuly even getting a little more than just friendly with some people. :8::p

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Posted by: dxasmodeus - 28th May 2019, 22:55 - Forum: Rules - Replies (1)


The following rules are established for all members who join Futanari Palace. Compliance is required to participate on the Forums. Any member who has a question regarding any of the rules may contact any Administrator for clarification.


All members MUST be at least 18 years of age to sign up for and access the site.
Members shall not post any illegal or personally identifying materials.  Any member that does so shall be immediately banned. Futanari Palace  will cooperate with law enforcement officials as required.
Members will not attempt to interfere with the normal working and  function of the site. Members who attempt to disrupt, attack or hack the  website will be banned.
Trolling, flaming, spamming, fetish shaming, and hate speech are  prohibited. Directly or indirectly insulting or threatening members,  mods, admins or staff is also prohibited and violations are subject to  bans.
Monetizing links or other monetizing enterprises that take advantage of members or the Forum are also prohibited.
Members shall not use the forums as a “Personals” or “dating” site.
Members who observe a prohibited action will report said action using the Forum’s “Report” function.
Necroposting is PERMITTED. However, Forum Staff may choose to lock topics without warning.

Members wishing to become forum staff or mods should contact an existing administrator or sign up during a recruitment event.


Members may possess one (1) and only one account. Multiple accounts are prohibited.
Members who lose access to their account and cannot recover access  through the automated process in the forum are to contact an  administrator for assistance.
Futatari Palace staff WILL NOT honor requests to delete accounts.  Members are in complete control of his or her access to the site.  Members who no longer wish to continue participation on the site are  welcome to abandon said accounts. Repeated requests to delete an account  will be viewed as a violation of the Forum Rules.
Members will not create multiple accounts to circumvent bans or  disciplinary action. This will result in a permanent ban, but you're  free to continue enjoying futanari.


Members shall post materials in the appropriate forums. Off-topic posts  are to be avoided. Excessive off-topic postings shall be viewed as  disruption of the Forums.
Members shall credit an artist, writer or developer appropriately.
Loli, shota, or other ageplay content may not be based, at all or in part, on any real child. Loli/Shota
content is subject to review and deletion without notice. If you are unsure about  whether your content is 'acceptable', check with your local laws. In  addition, members must elect to join the appropriate user groups to  access this content. Members posting content outside those designated  areas are subject to administrative action. This provision is in place  to prevent members in heavily legislated regions from accidentally  violating said laws in passing.
In forums requiring tags, members shall tag content with the appropriate labels. If you want to add a tag, let the Forum Staff know.
Content from creators listed in the DO NOT POST LIST is prohibited.
Creators who wish to be placed on the DO NOT POST LIST must contact an administrator to process the request.Also, know your rights as a creator.
Content where futanari is NOT the primary fetish, specifically, not  present and prevalent in ~80% of a work’s content, must be labelled as  “NON-FUTA.”
Rules for specific sub-forums must be adhered to at all times. Said  sub-forums shall have their respective rules posted in a “Sticky”  thread.


The Forum utilizes a point system to tally the degree of offenses by an  individual member. The tally is a scale from one to ten (1-10). A user  is muted (can log in, but cannot post) at three (3) points, which is  effective for three (3) days. The member’s account is temporarily  suspended at five (5) points, which is effective for five (5) days.  Seven (7) points results in a temporary administrative ban effective for  one (1) week. Ten (10) or more points results in a permanent ban.  Extreme rules violations may result in a harsher penalty beyond the  point system and may incur a permanent ban outright. Points can be taken  away if good behavior is demonstrated.
Members who wish to challenge or protest disciplinary action may contact  an administrator and state the protest or challenge. Members may only  make one challenge per incident. Administrative staff shall review the  incident and uphold, reduce, commute or strengthen the disciplinary act  on a case-by-case basis. Should the protest or challenge contain  anything that violates the rules (i.e. flaming or threatening staff),  the challenge shall be rejected outright.
Members who attempt to circumvent disciplinary action in any way shall  be viewed in violation of the Forum Rules and subject  to stricter punishment or permanent banning.

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  Back from a multiple year hiatus!
Posted by: ddmac2597 - 5th May 2019, 04:04 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (4)

Hello All! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I go by the name of Mac and I am a pansexual male. I tend to RP as just about anything male, female, trap, futa, furry, transformation, as long as it isn't as a minor (in a sexual way) then I am game. I am not sure how often I will be on here but feel free to write on my wall or send me a PM and if we click I could send you a good way to stay in touch Smile. I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you. -Mac

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  Hello i'm Élise
Posted by: Tosh - 28th February 2019, 16:55 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (6)

Hello I'm Elise I'm a French young woman, particularly bad in English. I came here to relax and enjoy my fantasy. I was once a boy but thanks to this kind of website I feel much better. Sorry for my English, I Will use google translate to discuss with you. Thank you for your welcome

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  Zokas here!
Posted by: Zokas - 26th February 2019, 21:13 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (2)

Hi, I am a game developer who's here to find an artist partner.
If you have any interest please let me know
here's my game: https://zokas.itch.io/an

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  Hello, I'm Magnus McCheesey, and this is what I would like to do.
Posted by: Magnus McCheesey - 26th February 2019, 01:53 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (3)

Hi. I am new here and would like to to be a contributing member of the site. So for the next couple of days I will be uploading all of the Futanari pictures that I have. I have already uploaded 200 of the 520 pictures that I have of Kinky Jimmy's artwork, and also plan on downloading all of the pictures I have of TherealShadman and everything else that l have. I also would like to try my hand at image editing. I'll do a couple and upload them here and see what you think about them.

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  Hello There!
Posted by: K.Neet_Neves - 25th January 2019, 18:29 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (3)

Hello, I'm someone from Thailand who like Futanari. (Unfornately, people in my country often think Futanari mean Otoko no Ko...)

I'm interested in Anime, Manga, video game, Vtubers, roleplaying, ETC.

I'd like to have a Futa x Futa smut roleplay here, though my English is not very good. I also want to play kind of play-by-post game too. (Ofcourse, espscially with Futanari smut)

My other fetishes is Exhibitionism, Bestiality, and urethral penetration via Futa X Futa.

Nice to meet you.

PS. By the way, I was registered here from a long time, but never actually active...

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  Hello.. //_^
Posted by: SophieChan - 22nd January 2019, 13:12 - Forum: Introductions Area - Replies (4)

Hey, Im LGBT+, check my profile. Legit I hope this site isn't totally dead. HMU if anyone is around //_^

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