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Somewhat new to the Forums

Been lurking about the forums for a while, only posted a few things, but thought I'd just say hello to everyone XD

Not really sure how to introduce myself 0.o;

Kerigann - Moon Guard - World of Warcraft - Draenei Deathknight <3

Battletag: Natalie#1467

Hi is a very well way to start Smile hello there Natalie

fuegofeerico Wrote:Hi is a very well way to start Smile hello there Natalie

Haha, I probably should have read how other people introduced themselves in other posts before making my own. But oh well, I suppose if there's something people wanted to actually know they would ask :o
Kerigann - Moon Guard - World of Warcraft - Draenei Deathknight <3

Battletag: Natalie#1467

Hello honey! Welcome Smile


Hey again! Haha, I can't get over the fact you have Kerrigan set to your avatar, so awesome :3

Kerigann - Moon Guard - World of Warcraft - Draenei Deathknight <3

Battletag: Natalie#1467

Welcome......and I hope you have other characters in WoW other than a I dislike the Deathknight class >_>

Not hate, just dislike for several reasons, mainly because everyone and their grandma decided it was "Da Coolest Class EVAH" and playing nothing else other than a deathknight ugh.

Full Erotic Profile

Ongoing Private RPs:
It All Runs in the Family, A Boy and His White Knight

Dead/Hiatus RPs:
A Cosplayer's Dream, A Strip of Romance, The Island

Luna's Transformations in Board Game RP
Anthro Demon Dragoness with Tiny Demon Wings
Twin Thick Foot-Long Bitch Breaker Dragon cocks with sheath
Womb becoming egg laying organ through cocks and pussy
Plump Demonic Pussy, Smells and Tastes Like Your Favorite Thing.

Heya, welcome Nat ^^. Hope you enjoy your stay at the forums :3

And since I'm feeling so generous today, if you ever need anything at all, just ask me and I'll see if I can help ^^

Also... hm here's some pancakes and milk, as a token of gratitude for joining us all in the palace. Post lots and have fun!

...Because Touhou is the most awesome thing ever. Seriously.

...Am I the only Tewi fan out there? Does everyone really dislike her? T_T

Oh yea I've been in a -really- chatty mood lately so if you wanna talk about anything at all feel free to add me at >w<
Melzar Wrote:Welcome......and I hope you have other characters in WoW other than a I dislike the Deathknight class >_>

Not hate, just dislike for several reasons, mainly because everyone and their grandma decided it was "Da Coolest Class EVAH" and playing nothing else other than a deathknight ugh.

Well lets see, I've got an 80 warlock, warrior, priest, rogue, shaman, and working on a mage. So no my Deathknight isn't my only one, but it quickly became one of my favorites to play ^_^
Kerigann - Moon Guard - World of Warcraft - Draenei Deathknight <3

Battletag: Natalie#1467
Maronakins Wrote:Heya, welcome Nat ^^. Hope you enjoy your stay at the forums :3

And since I'm feeling so generous today, if you ever need anything at all, just ask me and I'll see if I can help ^^

Also... hm here's some pancakes and milk, as a token of gratitude for joining us all in the palace. Post lots and have fun!

Haha that's very sweet of you, thanks :3 I'll be sure to bother you plenty with Q's.
Kerigann - Moon Guard - World of Warcraft - Draenei Deathknight <3

Battletag: Natalie#1467

Greetings and Welcome


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