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My join date says January 2012...

But that's probably, like, super wrong. Must be an error.

... Okay, okay. So I originally signed up to see what the site was about. I eventually wanted to make an introduction post, but was shy, and the longer I waited, the more awkward it felt. Oh, sure, I've made some posts in the RP sections, but I never properly introduced myself.

Untill now, with a little motivation from the supersweet Ryo-chan <3

So why make an introduction post now after almost two years of mostly lurking aside from a RP post here and there? Well, I've really been wanting to get more involved in the community as of late. So, I figured, better late than never!

... So what should I actually post here? Well, I'm very, very interested in roleplay. I'm also very submissive -- Technically, I'm a switch. I have moments where I'll happily fill the dominant role. But, 99% of the time, I'll prefer to sub. What can I say? I love being on a leash <3

Aside from that, I love gaming, mostly Nintendo and Blizzard games. I actively play WoW, both for RP and I even dabble a little in casual raiding from time to time. Hearthstone, Blizzard's latest drug-I-mean-game, has gotten me addicted to cardgames >.> Also, I love pokemon, though I don't play it competitively - I rather just play fun matches with friends instead of getting the perfect EVs for the perfect moveset and just... No. All I know is I fucking love Aggron <3

What else... I guess on a site like this I won't be ashamed to say I'm transgender! Male to female, and while I'm currently pre-transition, I would very much prefer to be referred to with female pronouns.

Also, I love animals. A lot. I have a cat myself of two and a half years old, called Kirby (yes, after the Nintendo character). He does sadly have a growth problem, but the vets say it won't cause issues for now, but I do need to keep an eye on it when he gets older. For now he's considered healthy though. My little tiny kitten <3

So, yeah! I guess that sums up my 2-years-late hello! Any questions feel free to post them, I'm not exactly great at introduction posts <3

I'm a shy person just now getting out of her shell
Avatar is by Nyuunzi over on Darknest (Commissioned by me)
I also have a Tumblr where I occassionally write stories!

We still have bugs to deal with, so it's expected!



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Now I'm confused as to wether that was a joke or a case of not reading the post Tongue

I'm a shy person just now getting out of her shell
Avatar is by Nyuunzi over on Darknest (Commissioned by me)
I also have a Tumblr where I occassionally write stories!

Hey there miss!! :149: No, it's no joke. Just a few weeks ago the palace was down for like... weeks at a time (two weeks, separated by about 5 days of iffy functionality). Our lovely admins have been busting their humps to put an addition on the palace (read: upgraded servers in a new location. There's details in the news section if you're a techy person and interested). Luckily you are only catching the tail end of the problems.

Anyway,, have fun poking around... and try to get poked yourself a little while you're at it! Smile

Check my profile for status updates!


SMS World:
[/URL]Sex, Magic, and Suntan Lotion
(My main story)
Meteor Showers(Dani, Sami, Natalie)
Day-at-the-Beach (Dani, Tyler*, Riley*) [URL=""]
Oakcrest Academy: Oakcrest A&P [/URL](Zoey, et al.)


Candace Can't Win
Sisters' Secrets
The Freshman Challenge!

... But the thing is I actually did sign up january 2012 - my post explains why I only made an introduction post just now ^^" I experienced the downtime aswell Tongue

I'm a shy person just now getting out of her shell
Avatar is by Nyuunzi over on Darknest (Commissioned by me)
I also have a Tumblr where I occassionally write stories!

lol oh yeah... I suppose your last line kind of makes that clear... heh.

It's still nice to have you!

Check my profile for status updates!


SMS World:
[/URL]Sex, Magic, and Suntan Lotion
(My main story)
Meteor Showers(Dani, Sami, Natalie)
Day-at-the-Beach (Dani, Tyler*, Riley*) [URL=""]
Oakcrest Academy: Oakcrest A&P [/URL](Zoey, et al.)


Candace Can't Win
Sisters' Secrets
The Freshman Challenge!

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