Futanari Palace
My join date says January 2012... - Printable Version

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My join date says January 2012... - Tyrinne - 2nd January 2014

But that's probably, like, super wrong. Must be an error.

... Okay, okay. So I originally signed up to see what the site was about. I eventually wanted to make an introduction post, but was shy, and the longer I waited, the more awkward it felt. Oh, sure, I've made some posts in the RP sections, but I never properly introduced myself.

Untill now, with a little motivation from the supersweet Ryo-chan <3

So why make an introduction post now after almost two years of mostly lurking aside from a RP post here and there? Well, I've really been wanting to get more involved in the community as of late. So, I figured, better late than never!

... So what should I actually post here? Well, I'm very, very interested in roleplay. I'm also very submissive -- Technically, I'm a switch. I have moments where I'll happily fill the dominant role. But, 99% of the time, I'll prefer to sub. What can I say? I love being on a leash <3

Aside from that, I love gaming, mostly Nintendo and Blizzard games. I actively play WoW, both for RP and I even dabble a little in casual raiding from time to time. Hearthstone, Blizzard's latest drug-I-mean-game, has gotten me addicted to cardgames >.> Also, I love pokemon, though I don't play it competitively - I rather just play fun matches with friends instead of getting the perfect EVs for the perfect moveset and just... No. All I know is I fucking love Aggron <3

What else... I guess on a site like this I won't be ashamed to say I'm transgender! Male to female, and while I'm currently pre-transition, I would very much prefer to be referred to with female pronouns.

Also, I love animals. A lot. I have a cat myself of two and a half years old, called Kirby (yes, after the Nintendo character). He does sadly have a growth problem, but the vets say it won't cause issues for now, but I do need to keep an eye on it when he gets older. For now he's considered healthy though. My little tiny kitten <3

So, yeah! I guess that sums up my 2-years-late hello! Any questions feel free to post them, I'm not exactly great at introduction posts <3

My join date says January 2012... - The Guardian - 2nd January 2014

We still have bugs to deal with, so it's expected!


My join date says January 2012... - Tyrinne - 2nd January 2014

Now I'm confused as to wether that was a joke or a case of not reading the post Tongue

My join date says January 2012... - andromeda - 3rd January 2014

Hey there miss!! :149: No, it's no joke. Just a few weeks ago the palace was down for like... weeks at a time (two weeks, separated by about 5 days of iffy functionality). Our lovely admins have been busting their humps to put an addition on the palace (read: upgraded servers in a new location. There's details in the news section if you're a techy person and interested). Luckily you are only catching the tail end of the problems.

Anyway,, have fun poking around... and try to get poked yourself a little while you're at it! Smile

My join date says January 2012... - Tyrinne - 4th January 2014

... But the thing is I actually did sign up january 2012 - my post explains why I only made an introduction post just now ^^" I experienced the downtime aswell Tongue

My join date says January 2012... - andromeda - 5th January 2014

lol oh yeah... I suppose your last line kind of makes that clear... heh.

It's still nice to have you!