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hello :D

i have some time in the forums, but i think it's time to post here Smile

really im bad for this kind of things... what i could say?

im from chile (spanish native, low level english)

i like role playing, and all kind of thing like crafting (i wanna learn a lot of this, wood working, metal working, etc... etc... )

i have a really strange kind of obsesion with futa @_@.

really like coding Big Grin (pc programs, and that things... i really like the videogames area)

and i really love nature Smile


Welcome, lucyfer!


Thanks for introducing yourself, Lucyfer!

Communication provides knowledge, knowledge gives power, and there is no greater power than an earth-shaking orgasm.

Good to meet you. If you love coding, check out the game development section for some fun stuff in the works. ^^ And your english is quite good, I must say, though we do have the internation board if you'd prefer to speak some spanish~



My avatar's lady is by mond(pixiv50147) and my sigs lady is by upside down~ Credit to their awesome work~

And a forewarning, before we chat~ If you ever wish to RP with me, I'll ask two questions of you. How old are you and do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? The first is I don't RP with young ones, those below eighteen, my optimal age twenty plus. And the second, I refuse to be the cause to a strained relationship between two. I'm alright with open relationships, to a degree, but I am not a party to cheating. These are my principles and despite my want sometimes to have none, that is what I define myself by. I hope you understand. ^^ Click 'ere to see if serving as a slave is your kinda thing~ Jobs there and every

'Strange' is relative.

You're amongst alot of people with the same 'strange' obsession as yourself. I hope that comforts you.

Welcome home.


thanks a lot to all Smile



Futa. Futa never changes.


I love the name, and you'd be right at home with my sister. She does sculpture and currently, puppets. Her best is a Teenage Mutant Ninja sock-turtle that still amazes me every time I see it.

Welcome to the forums and we hope you share some of your talent with us.

Avatar by Cheezyweapon
Sig Pics by Cheezyweapon, Ittybittybadkitty, and Bishiebunny
Sig by Ittybittybadkitty



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

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