Futanari Palace
hello :D - Printable Version

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hello :D - lucyfer - 6th October 2011

i have some time in the forums, but i think it's time to post here Smile

really im bad for this kind of things... what i could say?

im from chile (spanish native, low level english)

i like role playing, and all kind of thing like crafting (i wanna learn a lot of this, wood working, metal working, etc... etc... )

i have a really strange kind of obsesion with futa @_@.

really like coding Big Grin (pc programs, and that things... i really like the videogames area)

and i really love nature Smile

hello :D - vella - 6th October 2011

Welcome, lucyfer!

hello :D - Love Doll Mariska - 6th October 2011

Thanks for introducing yourself, Lucyfer!

hello :D - Olivria Noel - 6th October 2011

Good to meet you. If you love coding, check out the game development section for some fun stuff in the works. ^^ And your english is quite good, I must say, though we do have the internation board if you'd prefer to speak some spanish~


hello :D - Ms. Sunday - 6th October 2011

'Strange' is relative.

You're amongst alot of people with the same 'strange' obsession as yourself. I hope that comforts you.

Welcome home.

hello :D - lucyfer - 7th October 2011

thanks a lot to all Smile

hello :D - Astraea - 8th October 2011


hello :D - Bishiebunny - 8th October 2011

I love the name, and you'd be right at home with my sister. She does sculpture and currently, puppets. Her best is a Teenage Mutant Ninja sock-turtle that still amazes me every time I see it.

Welcome to the forums and we hope you share some of your talent with us.

hello :D - The Guardian - 9th October 2011
