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An intro a day late :P

Hey there! I'm Misha, long time RPer and futa enthusiast ^^ A friend recommended that I check this place out since she felt I needed even MORE stuff to chronically masturbate to x_x. Anyway, I'm a 19-year-old French-Canadian (though my English is marginally better than my French) lesbian from Montreal currently in school for 3D animation and design. It's fun, sometimes tedious, but it's a dream :3 As for my RPing skills, I've been doing so for at least 7 years, but it feels like more, and I tend to write about a paragraph or more. I have a massive amount of kinks I find desirable, so many in fact the only definitive thing I can say is what I won't do, and what I won't do is pretty much anything involving a guy, more specifically the male form. Even if I know the player is a guy playing a girl, I can't do it. It's been an experience, liking cock, but not liking what it's typically attached to. Hence a love for futa I suppose :3 Anyway, I'm rambling. I think I'm gonna like it here.


I think so, too. Everyone does! Welcome aboard!

"With a hi hi ho and a hi hi hey!
We're hoisting the flag to be free!
We will steal the show, Jolly Rogers go,
We are wolves of the sea!" Alestorm, Wolves of the Sea.

I live near where you live, so were kinda like neighbours.

Welcome to FP!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Welcome here my dear!
Enjoy your stay!

I'm open to chat ^^
Misha Hiroki Wrote:A friend recommended that I check this place out since she felt I needed even MORE stuff to chronically masturbate to x_x.

Sounds like you need to join CMA (Chronic Masturbaters Anonymous). Not to be confused with all the other CMAs such as Country Music Awards, Canadian Medical Association or Certified Management Accountants.

Welcome to Futanari Palace! I don't personally care who is behind the character I'm playing with as far as RPing goes, but if it bothers you that much if it's a guy, you'll probably end up disappointing 90% of RPers who try for you here. :p And it's a shame because a lot of them are such great fun.

Regardless, I hope you enjoy your time here, and feel free to talk. ^^

Sig by Elise

Gon' build that wall until it's done--
But now you've got nowhere to run.

So build that wall, and build it strong, 'cause
We'll be there before too long.

Greetings and Welcome


~pounces Misha~ HEEEEYA MISHY!
Hehe, I knew you would love to find more stuff to CM to ~winks~

So, how you likin' it so far Darlin', hehe.

D&D-themed Free-Form RP! Serit'Nyal's mostly generic profile, lol
Previously and forever your neighborhood Chessy!

Welcome Welcome! I totally know what you mean about liking cock but not what's attached to it! An ex-bf nearly turned me gay (pm me if you want details it's actually quite funny) and that's when this understanding came into play. But whenever I think I'm full-on lesbian I meet an exceptional guy that brings me back to the land of Bi...

Anyways, nice to meet you, hope to chat in the future!


My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard!!

Got tits?

**If you decide to add me on one of my IM services, please include a note with IM telling me you are from FP. I get a lot of bots.**


Bienvenue a FP, Misha (but my French sucks so don;t mistake me for bilingual)!


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