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Am I the only straight girl who likes futa? Ha ha. (new here) :D

Hey everyone!!

I didn't know that a forum like this existed up until today when I read about f3, which appears to be down. Then I discovered this forum. Smile

Let me explain my title. I'm a straight girl as far as I'm concerned (I mean, I can't imagine myself going down on a girl y'know?) but futa is SO hot!! I discovered it 2 years ago when I downloaded Bible Black. I remember watching it and at first being suprised and then being "damn, this is HOT."
So, I don't know what you'd classify my sexual orientation as, ha ha.

But anyway, since seeing Bible Black I've become way into futa. I love love LOVE it!! Heck, I love hentai in general. But futa is my favorite.

So...Hi everyone!!! >Big Grin< (finally others who share my wierd obsession!!! ha ha!)

Oh, and Ichigo=Strawberry in japanese. Big Grin


Messages In This Thread
Am I the only straight girl who likes futa? Ha ha. (new here) :D - by IchigoGirl - 24th November 2009, 02:41
Am I the only straight girl who likes futa? Ha ha. (new here) :D - by pencilguy - 30th November 2009, 06:17

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