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Uuuuuh sorry I always mess up the introductions -__-°

*takes a deep bow and lowers his head even further in apology*

Einen guten Tag wünsche ich euch allen, ich hoffe das kommt jetzt nicht zu spät ^^

Yeah I know it's kinda late introductions, I've already been around a few days, got my signature up, my own art thread and (hopefully) soon a commission thread XD

I found this page around 2006 and was registered under a different name, but after uploading a few artworks on Hentai-Foundry and after finding a few of em here on the foundry in various threads I thought, why keep them a secret from my fellow futa-lovers? Aaaand here I am, re-registered under a different name. My artist name.

I am 20 now, breathin and kickin I guess and I am ready for duty! As for that, I basically see keping futa alive by posting new (hopefully) good artworks that will help newbies develop an interest for (in my oppinion) the BEST Hentai category ever created ^^

I must say I was pretty amazed how many Futa-Lovers are around the net (especially here), because in the beginning, when you actually fully realize that you like Hentai Gals with a little extra, you feel kinda lonely and rejected from society. But I am proud and glad of being a Futa-Freak and I want to share a little of that Pride with you guys ^^

Aaaand lastly I wanted to thank big boss Shenandoah for keeping an eye on me and helping me out with the formularities and no-noes of the Palace.

Thanks fer hearing me out, hope you'll pass by (and maybe) gimme some work, since I dream of becoming a (great) Futa Artist ^^

C y'around guys 'n gals ^^

Oh and P.S.: I am not a Nazi. And I am not a racist. I just have a grave interest for the IIIrd Reich (their uniforms, weapons, how it arised and fell afterwards) and a fable for the Swastika (the origins, the meaning, the changes). I hope you can understand.

Heya everybody, I call myself an artist, eventhough I don't think very highly of myself, yo.

This is my art thread | Yup, I'm open for commissions ;3

Pass by if ya find the time and leave some comments and constructive criticism! I love comments n stuff ;3

[URL=""]Are you ready... to unleash the fucking fury?!

Messages In This Thread
Uuuuuh sorry I always mess up the introductions -__-° - by SlaveOfNewOrder - 24th July 2009, 13:00

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