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What's up! I'm Zoloe!
Zoloe Wrote:Sooooooooo~
I've actually been on this forum for a really long time~ but have only now worked up the courage to actually start talking and posting and what have you. So, here I am saying hey for the first time in over a year since I joined~
I have posted a few things here and there, but nothing big.
I absolutely love everyone's stories here, I read very very often and just want to thank you guys that may or may not read this~ ~i should comment in their threads ._.;~
If anyone here plays final fantasy xi, I'm on Shiva (as Zoloe) and Siren (as Zoleo) server so /tell me or something if you play :3
Oh by the way...... I love Futanari!!!!!!
I have pretty specific tastes though~ my favorite is female to futa transformation (doesn't matter the method of transformation though).
First futanari doujin I ever read I found with google typing in "lesbian hentai"..... it was P0 Total Biochemical Laboratory and it's still one of my very favorite~
That's just a little about me ^.^ can't wait to start posting more and talking to people Smile

Hellou and welcome!!!

Big Grin

Nice to see people that dares to speak after a long time.

>Big Grin<>Big Grin<>Big Grin<>Big Grin<

Messages In This Thread
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by Zoloe - 1st June 2008, 00:38
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by Sakura-chan - 1st June 2008, 00:43
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by The Guardian - 1st June 2008, 02:12
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by darth_tohru - 1st June 2008, 02:16
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by Zoloe - 1st June 2008, 02:42
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by wrath38 - 1st June 2008, 02:55
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by tazcarter - 1st June 2008, 03:03
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by gemeniman - 1st June 2008, 04:02
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by Futanarikko - 1st June 2008, 04:13
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by Dr. omegan - 1st June 2008, 05:06
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by spacepoliceman - 1st June 2008, 05:23
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by NikNakZombieWhack - 1st June 2008, 05:44
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by PerfectZonic - 1st June 2008, 13:57
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by zebeianhero - 2nd June 2008, 19:06
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by kisseki - 16th July 2008, 23:00
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by blackshark - 17th July 2008, 22:48
What's up! I'm Zoloe! - by ROLEX4life - 18th July 2008, 09:25

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