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Hah. What a boring thread name? XDDD

Name's Maronakins. Maro for short. I got some other nicks but those are the most popular ones. Hm... Yea I stumbled on this place sorta by chance. Obviously I like futa, since I'm here :3. But yea Most of all, I like to draw, and not -just- futa, though that's a given, right?

I wouldn't say I'm awesome at it... nor would I say I suck at it. I just try and get decent results, I guess... and then try some more to trump that?

Oh and as you can tell, I don't ever seem to know when to shut up >_<. Oh right... I like using MSN, dunno why that suddenly came to mind? Not as if I planned this little intro. Oh yea and I'm a big touhou fan (can you tell? -_-; )

Hm ahh well... *shrugs* if ya'll wanna know anything else about me, just ask, I'm quite the open book, I'll have ya know! And thanks for havin' me on this forum ^^

...Because Touhou is the most awesome thing ever. Seriously.

...Am I the only Tewi fan out there? Does everyone really dislike her? T_T

Oh yea I've been in a -really- chatty mood lately so if you wanna talk about anything at all feel free to add me at >w<

Hi and welcome to THE forum of Futanari!! =D

Enjoy your stay!

You'll be quite popular as an artist.

Btw....I thought your avatar was Akiha, from Tsukihime xD


TBH idk who's in my avvie, I just thought she looked cool ^^;

It was in a buncha pics I had lying around and I wanted a badass/crazy girl avvie for once. Wasn't sure if I could have an "obscene futa pic omg" or something... that and even in the most "vulgar" forums, so to speak, I keep my avvies rated G for some reason? XD.

Hm well... I say artists are as popular as their skill and will to conform to their fans. So we'll see ^^;

Oh and thanks for the welcome!

...Because Touhou is the most awesome thing ever. Seriously.

...Am I the only Tewi fan out there? Does everyone really dislike her? T_T

Oh yea I've been in a -really- chatty mood lately so if you wanna talk about anything at all feel free to add me at >w<

Welcome here!! ^^

I'm open to chat ^^

Haha Thanks >_<

LOVE your avvie and Siggy. Puts my Marisa to shame T_T.

Hm that alone makes me wanna add ya already :3

...Wait! That sounded SO wrong! XDDDDDD

...Because Touhou is the most awesome thing ever. Seriously.

...Am I the only Tewi fan out there? Does everyone really dislike her? T_T

Oh yea I've been in a -really- chatty mood lately so if you wanna talk about anything at all feel free to add me at >w<

Greetings and Welcome



Welcome to Futanari Palace. I hope you can have fun here.

[IC] Translation is being considered, [U] Translation is being considered but more unlikely, [ToH] Temporarily on Hold, [WiP] Currently being translated

Currently not accepting

Translation List (somewhat ordered by priority):
[ToH] [AOI (Makita Aoi)] Eden no Hebi (Snake of Eden) Chapter 4
[IC] [Nanairo Koubou] Shotanari Sisters
[IC] [Yn_red] Houkago no Chinji
[IC] [Somejima] Houkago No Ingoku Gakuen Choushitsu
[IC] [Somejima] Ochita Ikusamiko Shimai
[U] [Kokuko (Tsukiyotake)] Agrias Messatsu (Agrias Obliteration) (FFT)

For translation requests, send e-mails to or simply send a private message. The requirements for the work is that it should look like it has relatively simple Japanese and that it has futa.

My Site
Maronakins;661100 Wrote:TBH idk who's in my avvie, I just thought she looked cool ^^;
For the record, it is Akiha from Tsukihime.

Now that I've indulged in my obsessive need to explain things, I'll do what I'm supposed to do.

Futa and Male Doujin List (Updated 01/03/12)
My Stories Section (Updated 02/10/14) *New*
FutaRoMa Sanji - The Game



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara
Gilgamesh;661305 Wrote:For the record, it is Akiha from Tsukihime.

Now that I've indulged in my obsessive need to explain things, I'll do what I'm supposed to do.


Haha XDDD thanks. Tsukihime is it? I should check it out, cuz she looks pretty damn badass.

Actually wanted to put a touhou avvie but idk, I was actually in a very "evil/killer/badass" mood and wanted to find something fitting. But I hate changing avvies alot *sans Instant messengers* so I'll stick to Akiha then :3

Also thanks everyone for the welcomes >_<. This forum seems so epic and it's only my first day here! Hope y'all don't get bored of my excessive chatterboxing >w<
...Because Touhou is the most awesome thing ever. Seriously.

...Am I the only Tewi fan out there? Does everyone really dislike her? T_T

Oh yea I've been in a -really- chatty mood lately so if you wanna talk about anything at all feel free to add me at >w<

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