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Saying "hello" before I vegetate
::looks up from tasteful leather-bound book::

Greetings. I'm Kreller, a sporadic lurker for a year or so. How are you this evening?

I called you all here so I could say hello and perhaps offer you some Rice Krispie squares and Gatorade. I'm just about to turn in, as soon as I finish reading this compilation volume of great literary classics.

::holds book aloft. A Tijuana Bible falls out, followed by a pair of handcuffs and a live chicken::

Those aren't mine. Anyway, I'm an attempted writer and successful procrastinator who spends much of his time watching great TV shows that end up getting cancelled. I was told about this helpful and extensive site some time ago by members of another forum.

Thank you, and good night. I need sleep now.

Welcome to Futanari Palace Tongueyong11: Now wheres my rice crispies and Gatorade!

Tongueyong26:"Im taking over onion head! Leave town!":114:
:202: "You could'nt possibly defeat me!" Tongueyong6:
Tongueyong26:"What were you saying again?":210:

"FP has a mascot!" :67:

Welcome to FP!

Enjoy your stay!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

hi there and welcome to the palace Smile

We all change. When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.


Feeling Strange fanstories
Sakura's story collection

Temp suspended Rps: My Friend's Toy Couching Tiger Hidden Trap

....well hopefully you'll find something that'll motivate to come out of lurking full time eventually either way hope you continue to enjoy yer stay.....


Mmn, such a sweet disposition, if only a few more gals shared the sentiment.~[URL=""][/URL] << actively seeking females, especially those willing to do pregnancy set-ups; casually seeking shemales (and occasionally futa/herms if you impress me OOC)

Welcome on FP.



* Female members feel free to drop me a line if you want to chat. They are welcomed.

* * For those interested, info about my avatar has been kindly given in a visitor message so check my profile for further information. Please don't PM about it. Thanks.

* * * Check out if you ever get really bored one day.

* * * * Special thanks to Bea for saving my computer's life.

I want you to hit me as hard as you can.

futavatar Wrote:I want you to hit me as hard as you can.

What does Fight Club have to do with greeting someone new to the forum?

Anyway, welcome to the forum, Kreller. Enjoy your stay as much as you like.
BvS: 30 minutes a day, for a free game. Was fun for the first few months, give it a try when bored or waiting for your partner to write a post up.

Looking for RPs that interest me... I'm really picky in that regard. -- Seems like I'm roleplaying as a Succubus for right now, lets see how long that lasts. ^^

Welcome to Futanari Palace.

"You were too overconfident. Let me show you to your defeat!"

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