Futanari Palace
(shy face) Hi. - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: (shy face) Hi. (/showthread.php?tid=35953)

(shy face) Hi. - Lovestar - 17th June 2014

Hey, this might be a little more emotional / TMI than the usual intro here. So, sorry in advance if I kill the mood or something.

(deep breath)

Wow, so, okay. Like... even one year ago, I probably would have died IRL just imagining posting this. But I guess I'm changing a lot lately, and I really just don't care anymore who recognizes me, who 'finds out', or what FBI Watchlist I am now automatically subscribed to.

I also have to admit I actually didn't register here for the content — it's lovely, but ironically I was just trying to find a functioning DL link for Slave Maker 3, lol. "There's one at 'Futanari Palace'? Uh, okay, no clue what that is, but I like futa and I like palaces, so why not?"

And then yeah, my world abruptly turned sideways.

Why I'm bothering you
What I am
What I'm asking
Sorry if this whole post sounds kind of lame or outright idiotic — I'm a little overwhelmed, my head is kind of spinning right now, haha. Honestly, I'm also very shy and naïve. But this is sincere, so hopefully it came across the right way.

Big hug & TY to anyone who takes the time to read this and advise me what to do or where to go next. Smile

(shy face) Hi. - Sakura-chan - 17th June 2014

*waves and offers muffins* welcome to FP

(shy face) Hi. - lucyfer - 18th June 2014

Hi lovestar, welcome to the forum!
there are a lot of public sections for talking about "different kind of things" around the forum Smile hope you find your way.

thanks for being honestly,
hope you enjoy the forum n__n!

(shy face) Hi. - Lovestar - 19th June 2014

Hey guys, sorry for the delayed reply, I'm always really busy/taking on too much work. >.<

So, haha, I guess from the tone of some people who PM'd me, that this thread apparently came across really confusing. I apologize for that, I tend to be very wordy.

Hmmm, let me try to condense it down and see if that helps. Smile I suppose I had about 3 main goals:
  1. Say hello, because that's polite, right?
  2. See if there's anyone enlightened / knowledgeable around here who can help me figure out what's right for me as a person, beyond the current standard boxes of "Guy" (cis or trans) and "Girl" (cis or trans). I feel like I'm something that's not quite any of those things, but I don't know quite what that is because I'm a little naïve and sheltered.
  3. Ask for any directions or tips on where a good place is to chat / socialize / ask questions in a more open/accepting community, either around here, or any suggestions for other places.

Hopefully that's a little easier to read / understand. :p

Anyway, TY regardless for the warm welcomes. When I can find some spare time, I think I'll say 'hi' and 'thanks' more properly by sketching up some futa art pieces to post — I've never done this style of erotica before, but it's perfectly hot so I'd like to try. Smile

(shy face) Hi. - The Guardian - 20th June 2014


(shy face) Hi. - Lovestar - 23rd June 2014

Hey guys, again TY for all the friendly PMs / visitor messages, I'm just replying here as a quick kind of 'group message' hopefully everyone sees.

Again sorry for the delayed responses, I have seen all your messages, I've just been really busy (as always :p) but I will reply to all of you as soon as I can. Smile

(shy face) Hi. - Miyafuji - 23rd June 2014

Welcome to FP Lovestar ^.^