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just gonna copy & paste the form presented on "New? Not sure what to say? Here's some suggestion".

1. I'm me.
2. From where i came from.
3. i was like 8 yrs old creating my first psn account
4. Women with higher amounts of T.
5. Poison
6. doesn't really matter
7. yes, no.
8. idk, if i don't find anything interesting at least i'll look after some porn
9. i don't remember, i created this acc in 2019......
11(yes, i inverted the order on purpose). Games, Movies, Books and Music.
10. Fav Games: Planescape, Fallout 2, Borderlands 2, Majikoi and Dawn of War 2
Fav Movies: Eureka (Shinji Aoyam
a), Mirror/Andrei Rublev (Andrei Tarkovsky), Sunless (Chris Marker), L'argent (Rober Bresson)
Fav Books: Catch-22, Ego and It's Own, Finnegan's Wake, Lolita and Gravity Rainbow.
Fav Music: Jim O'Rourke, Fishmans and Alex Cameron.
12. some stuff on discord
13. i like working out and political theory is retarded


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