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umm... yeah. Like the title says, Hello!

Yup. New here, and having a look around. So.. is there a Palace mantra to help new people feel at home, or do we all just purr on our own?

Well.. I'm not obsessed with cats and all things cat related. Really. I'm not. I do own a dog. Course.. I own a pair of Siamese as well, and no.. they didn't sing the song, regardless of how much catnip or live mice I offered. They're Siamese.. they kinda do their own thing. Which the dog learned.. eventually. Kind of amazing to watch a pair of 12lb cats domme a 72lb dog, but.. eh, we get our entertainment where we find it, neh?

I'm a writer/editor by profession, with a love of cats (though to be honest I love the big cats the most, Panthers and Jaguars in particular), a wildly active imagination with very little filter (which yes, got me into trouble quite a bit as a kid, and still does from time to time as an adult.. I just have to remember not everyone appreciates humor.. Or at least MY humor). I tend towards the darker side of the road (easier to catch those oh-so-crunchy mice) and can be a touch morbid at times. But what would you expect when your dealing with a Cat.. or in my case.. Kat person?

In regards go Futas.. yes, love them. With or without balls, with or without vags, don't really care. Just love'em. Can't really explain why, any more than I can explain why I'm pan or a trap. But I like what I like, and as Popeye said (for those of you old enough) I am what I am. Smile

So HELLO Palace People! May your futas be many, and may your cats always purr for you! (and maybe your buddy too if that's your thing)

Kat the Cat

Might be a purr.. might be a growl.. only one way to know for sure...

Hello there, kitty! Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay and feel at home - and at ease - with all these nice and maybe, from time to time, lewd around. Smile


Welcomn to the Palace Big Grin


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