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Mr Flannery Would Like To Apologize

Now, I realize that you have little to no reason to believe that I am Mr Flannery, the guy behind Virtual Romance and Crescere Academy and a few other things around here, and there's not much I can do to convince you otherwise. I'll start by explaining that I had to make a second account since a few months ago I changed my password and mailing address for my first account, and now that I want to come back I can't get my password back.

Why did I leave? Well, there's a few reasons.

1.) It was taking up too much of my time that I would rather have devoted to other endeavors. I would find myself thinking about this at inopportune times, like business meetings, reading a bedtime story to my son, etc etc.

2.) I was just generally trying to cut down on what I do online, from futa to just forum posting to playing games, and so forth. I spent way too much of my day on a computer, being unproductive, and afterwards I would wish I had done something, ANYTHING else. I decided to go cold turkey, and just cut it out of my life.

3.) My wife. I'm not sure precisely what she knows, but I know that she goes through my computer files, and has done so for six years. Rather than talk to me, discuss things, or even vaguely try to understand me and treat me like an adult, she just snoops through my files, gets mad, and screams at me and calls me names.

4.) I am constantly quitting forums, and then coming back as a different person. On MySpace, I would have an account for a week, or two, or a month, and then I would delete it and swear off MySpace. Then a month later I'd be back on as someone else, and I am ashamed to admit I've done the same thing here, as well as back on F3. Here I've been three or four people (I don't even remember them all anymore), and everytime I make a new account I just hate myself, even though I can't stop. It's like I'm on automatic, against my better judgement.

Now, the third one is not terribly important anymore, because she's recently left me, but I felt that I should come back here and explain that Mr Flannery's temporary absence became a permanent absence, and isn't likely to change in the future. She didn't leave me because of the futa (we have issues), but let's face it, I didn't exactly help things by hiding online.

I can't promise that I'm gone for good, since I'm a little bi-polar, and I know in a week I'm going to completely justify coming back here, and a week after that I'm going to hate myself and quit again. Therefore, I'm going to try and compromise. I'll keep my account, I won't change the password, I won't hide, and if you want to talk to me, I'm here. However, I can't see myself working on Virtual Romance or Crescere or anything right now. I'm at a very wierd place in my life right now, and going through the wonderful divorce while working two jobs and caring for the kids is pretty much sucking out my will to live, but I figured I owed it to you all to be honest (posts like this are appearing on a dozen forums around the internet, most non-porn, but still places I frequent.)

Thank you for your time. Happy November.

Mr Flannery


Hi Mr. Flannery:

I kind of feel the way you do about wishing I had spent my time rather than surfing the net for porn.

It does sound like there is a problem with porn interfering in your everyday life and I'm certainly not trying to lecture you but you may want to read this:

I posted this this reply in another thread that you may want to check out:

Anyway, just thought that it may help.



Well, the mods believe me, so my name got changed back. Thank you, Bea!


You're welcome ^_^ and welcome back,


Links to my stories:

General overview with descriptions of the stories. (click me)

Or more direct links:
Main Series:
Chapter 1 - Beautiful Freak (click to read)
Chapter 2 - Snow Day (click a part to read: (1) (2) (3))
Chapter 3 - Revealed Secrets (click a part to read: (1) (2))
Chapter 4 - Seeing the Doctor (click a part to read: (1) (2))
Chapter 5 - A Wet Recovery (click a part to read: (1) (2) (3 - Recovered the version I was working on at 70%, will probably continue this soonish.))

Sakana Sisters:
Click to read: (Chapter 1) - (Chapter 2) - (Chapter 3) - (Chapter 4) - (Chapter 5 - lost all progress, will have to start over.)

Click to read: (Chapter 1) - (Chapter 2) - (Chapter 3) - (Chapter 4 - Lost the whole thing, started over and am now at 40% Going well though.)

[Image: beasiga.jpg][Image: beasigb.jpg]

welcome back Smile

We all change. When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.


Feeling Strange fanstories
Sakura's story collection

Temp suspended Rps: My Friend's Toy Couching Tiger Hidden Trap
Sakura Wrote:welcome back Smile

I.... don't think you read my post all the way through.

i kinda understand you,in many points.

thats all i ll say

[SIZE=2]Hey, I wish I had my way,Cause everyday would be a Friday[/SIZE]

[Image: samsigv2ud8ry5.png]

UHH wow that's a long intruduction. Never heard of Mr. FLannerly before though.


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