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Aspiring artist and writer hoping to find a good home!

Hello there. As the title insinuates, I am an aspiring artist and writer who is looking to find a supportive and fun place to start posting my works. I do line-work, pen-work, and VEERY basic digital coloring. I learned a long time ago that drawing wasn't my strong point, but I kept with it. I think I've reached an acceptable skill level for doing character references and such. That being said, most of my work will be fiction. For a long time I was trying to be active on Hentai Foundry but ended up hating it. In four years they only approved one of my pictures, and the community is just awful. Looking forward to a change of scenery.

I actually have a huge amount of stories to work on, and am actively looking for other artists and writers who may be interested in joining me in some long term projects. My favorite stories are ones that combine intense plot, wild settings, deliciously smutty bits, and over the top action.(Futanari are a recurring theme in my work as well.) I do hope to impress during my time here! Cheers!

Also, here is a little teaser for a story I will upload soon. Features the main character for a plot of mine, Maggie Clayton, an amazonian futa who runs a multinational conglomerate in a somewhat fantastic cyberpunk setting. Reference picture is right before it.

Quote:"E...excuse me? Miss Clayton?" The voice was young and feminine, and Maggie turned to face the source with a raised eyebrow. Very few people had access to her private gym, so the possibilities were few. Much to her surprise it belonged to a new face, and a pretty one at that. The Amazonian CEO continued curling her two-hundred pound dumbbell with what appeared to be effortless ease, not at all ashamed to be showing off. Really she didn't need to at all. In her one piece training suit every muscle and curve was plainly visible, most of all the half-erect cock that hung heavily from a cut-out ring in the crotch of the suit. It probably seemed unnecessarily sleazy to wear such an outfit, which was why she only wore it in her gym. She tended to get hard when she trained, and normal wear simply couldn't compensate for her package. This way the suit supported her heavy, swollen sack, and her dick was free to hang as it pleased. The girl gave Maggie a once over, her bright blue eyes lingering between the Amazon's legs before she started, and hurried over from the door with a large metal briefcase in tow.

"May I help you? I'm sorry I don't believe I recognize you Miss?" Maggie asked as the girl came over. She was really adorable, couldn't be over nineteen, but she had obviously tried to dress in a manner that made her look professional at the cost off her femininity. It really only succeeded in making Maggie curious as to what lay beneath the wrapping. She was wearing a tan business skirt that went past her knees, and a full sleeved blouse that Maggie actually recognized from her Hong Kong branch of clothing designers. The girl lugged the case over and placed it heavily on the ground, sighing as she brushed a lock of platinum blonde hair from her face. She had long bangs, though the rest was cut somewhat short, and Maggie liked it. Somewhere between business and fun in her book.

"Apologies for disturbing you Ma'am. I'm Lindsey Walters.....we spoke yesterday on the phone? Well....I spoke with your secretary...Miss Connors I believe? She scheduled an appointment for this time." Maggie cocked her head curiously. She had a nearly photographic memory, and she didn't recall any mention from Miss Connors about an appointment today.....on top of that, it was very unusual that she would schedule anything during Maggie's training hours. The name didn't ring any bells either, and Maggie's suspicions began to rise. She played along though, both intrigued by the cute young lady's presence and curious as to her intentions.

"Ah yes. I recall. Apologies myself. I must have forgotten and went to the gym." Maggie closed the distance and held out her hand. She was easily a foot and a half taller than the girl, and it showed so close.

"Oh? I mean, yes of course. You must be quite busy so I won't waste your time." Lindsey took Maggie's hand and gave it a shake, while she did, the CEO took a quick peak at her wrist. Maggie smiled. The building where her private gym was housed was a C.A.T.I.(her business) building, and anyone who went inside was required to be stamped with a small ink dot on their wrist if they accessed secure areas. The girl had no dot. Combine that with her response to Maggie's recollection of the appointment, and she assumed the girl snuck on the premises to meet her. This wasn't the first time people went to great lengths to avoid her secretaries and the waiting lists for a meeting with Maggie Clayton. It actually happened often enough that Maggie found the incidents to be entertaining reprieves, and she welcomed the initiative it took to pull off such a stunt.

"Oh by all means. You can have all the time you need. Please, show me what you have?" Maggie turned away and racked her dumbbell heavily, before turning back. "Actually. Can you spot me as you make your pitch? I assume you are here about a business proposition?"

"Thank you Miss Clayton. I um....I suppose I can help. Most of what I have to say is technical anyway so...." The girl looked a little frazzled, like she almost didn't know what to do now that she was in Maggie's presence. Maggie sat down on an inclined bench, beneath a bar pre-weighted to seven-hundred pounds. Lindsey moved around behind the bench gingerly, looking rather dumbfounded at the weight on the bar. "I'm....I'm not sure I can help you with this Miss Clayton. It seems like....a bit much..." Maggie looked up and locked eyes with Lindsey.

"Oh no. I can take the weight myself. Actually I need you to sit on my lap while I do the set." The look on Lindsey's face as Maggie said that was priceless. "And please. Call me Maggie." The girl hesitated, and Maggie clicked her tongue. "If you'd prefer you can always schedule another appointment. You went through the official channels so I'm sure it wouldn't be a bother right?" Lindsey jumped a bit as Maggie's words hit home, and she made her way around the front. Her face was beet red, and her eyes transfixed on the cock laying against the Amazon's chiseled abs.

"M-may I ask....what this will serve?" Lindsey asked while wringing her hands nervously. Maggie responded casually and patiently.

"Physical contact with the opposite sex has been proven too increase production of testosterone in men and futa's while weightlifting. I'd like a little boost to see if I can break my max reps."

"Oh. Ok. moment" Lindsey was absolutely adorable; to have the balls to sneak into a secured building, and not just any building either, but be so nervous around a futa like just drove Miss Clayton's imagination wild. Lindsey had to hike up her skirt enough to straddle Maggie's hips, which pretty much made everything visible. The girl was wearing cute pink and white lace panties, very expensive ones at that, but what was even more sexy was the lace thigh-high stockings and garter belt that matched the underwear. That was simply dynamite for Maggie's libido. After a few moments she gingerly straddled the Amazon's hips and lowered herself down. Lindsey's soft nethers pushed right up against the underside of Maggie’s cock....which was quickly hardening to a full on erection.

"Wonderful. Thank you very much LIndsey. Now by all means....tell me why you came to see me." With that Maggie raised the barbell from the rack. This was indeed heavy even for her, but she could reliably do six reps without support. So as she began pumping it up and down she aimed to reach ten. With each push her body shifted, causing Lindsey to inadvertently grind against the futa's erection.

"Ah...yes...hmm...." Lindsey cleared her throat, and braced her hands on Maggie's sides, perhaps in some effort to help, or maybe just to keep her steady. Either way it turned the futa on more, and she could really feel the energy surge as her blood began to pound through her veins. "I represent a group who has developed a certain chemical compound with some....truly fascinating potential." Maggie listened fully, but didn't respond, rather just relished the moment, the feel of those silk panties against her hard dick was maddening. "Preliminary studies feel this compound could be used for pharmaceutical purposes, common household needs, nutritional supplementation, and...." Lindsey stopped on her own as Maggie reached her fifth rep, which began to burn. As Maggie pushed the fifth up with she let out a bit of a growl.

"And?" She groaned as she brought the bar down again.

"And.....genetic engineering as well." That caught Maggie's attention. She afforded Lindsey a glance before she looked back to the bar. Planting her legs a little wider Maggie slammed out three more repetitions before dropping the bar back on the rack with a massive clamor. She then leaned up, her heavy breasts pushing up against Lindsey, who looked like a deer caught in the headlights. They were quite close, and her cock was almost sandwiched between their bodies. Her body was on fire, her chest burned from exertion, and her dick throbbed almost painfully in its current location....but Maggie's mind was actually not on Lindsey's soft nethers. Her hands however, moved to the girls thighs, holding her in place.

"Ah. So that is why you broke into my building. Connors wouldn't give you the time of day if it was just commercial chemicals and pharmaceuticals....but she would have been forced to report you if you mentioned GE...." Maggie grinned, and Lindsey looked positively terrified. She tried to say something, but Maggie stopped her with a finger to the blonde’s lips. It was clear the girl made this plan quickly, and had not made the time to really plan out her approach. That was disappointing, but not enough to pass up what she had to say. "I'm going to make you a deal Miss Walters. You have the next hour and a half of my day all to yourself." Her right hand slid slowly up Lindsey's thigh to her thin waist. Maggie leaned in until her lips grazed the younger woman’s' mouth. "I suggest you use it to the best off your ability.....and really impress me."

Hi. I attempt to write stories and I also started on a tale with another member but serious home issues for him forced the abandonment of the project. Pity 'cos there was a good rapport going. I suggest you read either stuff under my name or sliderpain to see if you think there is anything in my writing that interests you. Sliderpain's first language is not English so it was me who got the story down in our collaboration.


Welcome! And good luck with the writing and the naughtiness! :wee(23):




Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Hello, looking forward to your works :15:


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