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i changed gears roughly three years ago when i shifted careers (Retail Management -> Marine Engineering). i had to prioritize and allot my time carefully during this painful hiatus, however, i have finally established myself within the environment of my new career, and so the opportunity to open up the doors to a few of my most loved past times has since come my way. i'm happy to have had the chance to return to the forums that welcomed me a long time ago, and while i see there has been a passing of the torch among other news, i'm confident i will enjoy my stay as much as i have in previous times.

i am an artist by hobby (the moderators of old even saw fit to grant me the artist's award), and i've created a thread to accept requests from the members here. i'll cautiously admit, my technique has waned in the absence of repetition, and so if you would like me to draw something for you, check out the "art help" forum and look for my thread. i will continue to accept requests until and possibly even after i've gotten used to having that pencil back in my hand!

i also pride myself in being an indie game developer; more details on this later. Wink


Glad to have you back Smile


Welcome back to the Palace! >Big Grin<

She's Got a Way [URL=""]


Why does no one seem to understand
That it's more than love i need
It's so hard to keep your faith alive
When nobody else believes
Oh i need someone there for me
Need someone who can see
Need someone to show me
Ohhhh, that they are there to help me fight
If i fall, to set me right
Someone there to hold the light
Won't someone say
I Believe in You, Twisted Sister (Come Out and Play)

glad to be back guys, thank you.




Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

adore your avatar, Guardian.


Welcome back, you look a lot like a cousin of mine *giggles* nice pics *hugs*

I'm incurable, Love
You'll inherit it all
Everything that you see
You'll even get my disease

thnx Mage, it feels good to be back!

allykat: you were one of the few new members i saw first, and your name and avatar have me wanting to do up a custom sketch.
i'll send you a link to the finished sketch after i do it.

p.s. you get big hugs back, allykat! (cutie)
hell, you get hugs too mister Mage, lol.


apologies, miss Mage! <3 Wink


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