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H-Hi there, I'm Matt...

Or Beatles, if you want...*Blush* So, i've known about this place awhile and I wanted to join, but i'm REALLY shy...i'm 24, and though I don't have a futa character yet, I can show you one i like on skype. (it isnt on the DNP list, i just wanna be safe...=o.o=) As you can tell, i'm very nervous! I have Cerebral Palsy, so socializing has always been hard...but i do wanna get to know you all. Preferably through RP and such...please be gentle. I'm but a sub looking for some futa friends~ ^^; Feel free to PM me if you wanna talk more. Smile


Hi Matt, Chapeau to you for being so open. Don't be too disappointed if people are slow to reply. I made a decision a while ago not to RP, it doesn't work for me but that does not mean I am necessarily incommunicado.


Thanks! Smile




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Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

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