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Hi. Hello! How's it g'wan?

Hey der. So I've been lurking 'round here for a bit and finally decided to make an account since I havn't been part of a good forum in ages and never a hentai one. :3

Some of you might know me as MadMoxxi, the moniker I take when bouncing around your lovely chatroom.

I'm a 20 something something grinding out my last year or so of college before I'm off to fuc--erm, see the world! I'm a huge gamer, nerd, and really should add some realistic sexual fantasies to my already mile-long list.

So, hm... let the fuckerings begin!


welcome to the palace, nerds and gamers are always welcome


Hello and welcome, saw you in the chatroom last night, and didnt get ot talk to you too much, but i'm a big time gamer and nerd as well , so enjoy Smile

The picture you see is no portait of me
It's too real to be shown to someone I don't know
And it's driving me wild
Makes me act like a child

Ghostess Wrote:So, hm... let the fuckerings begin!

"Do you like Kipling?"

"I don't know. I've never kipled before!"



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

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