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Cracking Open my Shell

Hi all!! You all can call my Chrysalis, Lis, Salis or Chrys, what ever...CC, what floats your boat really XD
Any way, I'm here on my phone introducing myself to you all, so forgive my spelling and stuffs (touch screen). So, wanna know about me? Well, I can tell you of my persona and me....lets go with what I don't mind telling you of me!:

-I'm 21 going to be 22 soon, yay me!
-I'm physically male but act a bit more as a female I say
-I like taboo and odd things
-I live on the USofA's east coast...
-I'm not seeking a mate of any sorts here!
-I'm curious as to a Mistress or even maybe my own Harem but no one ask about this yet...
-I'm pansexual...don't know what that is, you obviously have internet, look it up please?
-I LOVE to act as my persona ^^

Now onto my persona:

~She is female/hermaphrodite
~She is a Changeling disguised as a Pony, yes, a Pony
~She has special sexual "juices" and telekinesis...why don't you try and find out -winks-
~She is Equin in any form she takes.
~She loooooves to 'play' heh.
~She takes on elements from StarCraft Lore and (reading on it) My Little Pony (yes! Bite me Tongue)
~Loves to make friends like I do ^^

If I haven't covered it here go ahead and ask me, but as I said, I am on my phone here, so yeah....

What you see..... Undecided
...Isn't always what you get :19:

Welcome to the Palace, Chrysalis. Seems like you have a very interesting character! ^_^ Enjoy your stay here!

The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed...

Thank ya thank ya ^^i

What you see..... Undecided
...Isn't always what you get :19:

welcome to the palace.


Yeee, recognition XDDD

What you see..... Undecided
...Isn't always what you get :19:

Welcome to the Palace! This place might look like a haven for futa fans but it's so much more. Many wonderful and interesting people lurk here. If you wanna chat, just leave me a message. See you around.


Mmm, will do ^^

What you see..... Undecided
...Isn't always what you get :19:

Chryalis is a fitting name for someone who introduces themselves by both their reality and their fantasy. Very nice little write up. And we get plenty of pansexuals around here, no worries. It sort of fits in with the theme.

Welcome to the forums.

Avatar by Cheezyweapon
Sig Pics by Cheezyweapon, Ittybittybadkitty, and Bishiebunny
Sig by Ittybittybadkitty

Ooooh, what a cute lil bun-bun ^^ And thank ya, heh, good to know I'm not a loner ^^

What you see..... Undecided
...Isn't always what you get :19:

welcome and enjoy yourself here ^.^


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