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I Am All Yours

Hello everybody my name is Alex! Like Alexander the Great! HAHAHAHAHA. But anyways I am extremely new to FP though I have been looking at Futa for a long while though. I have heard about this site a lot from random peepz and I thought "Oh what the heck time to join this amazing palace" So here I am and I must say in the few minutes I have been on here I only got to look at the introduction area and type in my profile bio I have the impression that I shall love this place! Big Grin

I read on the introduction area on some stuff I should say sooo here you go

where am i from? I am from Las Vegas and I'm still here! It is awesome here!

what is with my nickname? Let us see my nickname is because whenever I RP I am really submissive and I enjoy serving nice hung futa's so I'm all yours Big Grin

what do I like about futanari? Well that may be a never ending list but i guess what I love most about it is that it is such an awesome fantasy, I mean c'mon boobs, cock? what more can ya want?

What got me into it? I guess when I first started looking at porn awhile back I got into hentai and one link led to another and BLAM i'm hooked

What are my favorite kinks and pairings? Well I am into anything except gore. But my favorite kink is Macro/Hyper cocks and usually as long as there is that then i'm all Big Grin and my favorite pairing is Futa/Male

Have I read over the rules and DNP list? I have read over the rules though I still have to read that DNP list

What sections am I most excited about exploring? The Roleplaying and stories section I can not wait to see all the wonderful writers on this site ooooo I am excited Big Grin

How did I hear about you? Some of my peeps told me about this site though I wonder if they are still on here

Hobbies that don't involve a fondness of girlcock? Well I love to write and play the piano as well as game

Any other online communities i am apart of? Does steam and yahoo count?

Any last words before you guys pass judgement on me? Ummmmm hopefully people look at this and please be gentle!


well welcome and you will find lots of people rp hear and all the rest is fun to in fact I love little cock pleasing sub's so come say hi on my profile, and lets have some fun

of course you should fight fire with fire....YOU SHOULD FIGHT EVREYTHING WITH FIRE!!
[Image: sigpic116774_1.gif]



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Welcome, so nice of you to join our little or large community, depends on your judgement of size. Anyways, we ain't gonna pass judgement on you, this is a place for socialising and induldging your inner desires on weekends.

Hopefully you'll catch on very soon. I still can't believe that you read the DNP rules, I haven't even looked at them.

I would like to further extend you into this community by being the first writer other than the guardian to welcome you. Looking forward to your stories if you write any and if you just want to read, that's fine as well. You can read my stories by following the links in my signature.


Welcome to the Palace! Smile


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