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Who am Shadowneya

[*]"Who Are You?" My real name is Peter I am 37 years of age and getting into art.... I decided in art class one day to draw Jerry Mouse in his German dancing Outfit and want to do more...
[*]"Where are you from?" I live in America @ Illinois...
[*]"What's up with that nick of yours?" Shadowneya is a handle I have been using for games since I was into D&D many man many years ago.... found out it might be considered a racial slur.... who cares the name is older than some stupid internet dictionary....
[*]"What do you like about futanari?" Versatility... your character can be male female or both and they can do some really wicked things....
[*]"What got you interested in the first place?" well originally I have been into Loli... the stuff that was legal in Japan... still is if u have old copies.... than I started getting into different things like Furry and well I ended up here when i made a find on a game known as CoC...
[*]"What are your favorite kinks/pairings?"g/g,b/b,multiples g/b... love furry.... so yeah anything is possible... dun do the rape thing.... or the rear bodily fluids if u can't get them with permission... leave it alone...
[*]"Have you read over our Rules and Do Not Post (DNP) List? Do you have any questions?" no questions as of yet currently learning just wanted to get this part out of the way.
[*]"What sections are you most excited about exploring?" (Are you interested in finding Images and Doujinshi? Interested in trying some roleplaying? Sharing your own art or stories? Or just hanging out and chatting with fellow futa fans?) actually I have been wanting to learn how to be a female submissive more a servant than a sex slave.... preferably he small petite type.... or a child that serves coffee Smile
[*]"What brought you to our forums/How did you hear about us?" Actually I had heard about the forum before from a friend of LRU but i had forgotten what the web addy was.... but CoC had a game I wanted to try so I had to come here to DL it...
[*]"Anything else you might like to add?" I'm an easy goin old guy... I like to chat with people but I have to be in the mood and well i lost my IRC account like 18 years ago lol
[*]"Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?" Star Wars Old Republic... World of Warcraft... Prius Online.... (little girl follows you around.... couldn't pass that up..)
[*]"Other online communities you happen to be a part of?" well there is a few.... mostly blogs... LRU Inkbunny...
[*]"Last words before we pass final judgment?" I am new to this... I have not created any works yet.... but I prolly hve to say by the very nature of my naughtyness most will probably be posted on Inkbunny I reall love Babysitting Cream....

​Serenity is for those who have come to terms with who they are and what they do... Plain and Simple.

well welcome have lots of fun go ahead and talk to people to there are so many open minded people here, well any way enjoy

of course you should fight fire with fire....YOU SHOULD FIGHT EVREYTHING WITH FIRE!!
[Image: sigpic116774_1.gif]

Always nice to see someone using the template. Gives one the warm fuzzies as you can almost be assured, "this one paid attention." Here's hoping that continues, and that you enjoy yourself.

Welcome to the forums.

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Sig Pics by Cheezyweapon, Ittybittybadkitty, and Bishiebunny
Sig by Ittybittybadkitty



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

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