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Um, hi? My name is um, well you can read it there. Pardon my apprehensive nature, I've never really been in the company of people who were as well, interactive with other people about this sort of thing. I've always been very open with my sexuality, and I've never met anyone else like that. So forgive me if I seem shy and uncomfortable in this environment, it's just how I am.

Moving on, I guess I should talk about myself. For one, I have Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism, I'm a fairly good writer, so I of course I'm rather interested in the role playing sections, and I imagine a couple stories will pop out of my ass at some point, I'm bi and enjoy a good bit of all types of futa, especially futa/futa and futa/male, my gaming interests go about the PC market and retro hard/software(Valve is especially high on my list, and I love a little series called EarthBound/MOTHER), and I came here after a futa Tumblr blog kept recommending it to people asking questions.

*clears throat*

Anyway, I'm hoping my time here will be pleasant, I hope to make a friend or two, and have many fun times and ejaculations during my browsing.


Welcome to the palace


*waves* Hi there!!

Check my profile for status updates!


SMS World:
[/URL]Sex, Magic, and Suntan Lotion
(My main story)
Meteor Showers(Dani, Sami, Natalie)
Day-at-the-Beach (Dani, Tyler*, Riley*) [URL=""]
Oakcrest Academy: Oakcrest A&P [/URL](Zoey, et al.)


Candace Can't Win
Sisters' Secrets
The Freshman Challenge!

Welcome, King!

One of my favorite games of all time is Earthbound from my SNES days, so good taste on that!




Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Welcome to the Palace!

The roleplay section is definitely a great place to spend time. So much fun to be had there.


A belated greetings and welcome


Welcome King of Ecolai. I'm a fan of Earthbound myself. You will definitely run into a lot of sexually ougoing people here. I couldn believe it when I started and now I'm as bad as any of them.

I'm mostly here for he RPs so we may run into each other around the boards. Enjoy yourself. Wink

Read my story: Two Souls
And the new one: Old Habbits are Hard to Break! I know I misspelled it.

Kink list: Take it with a grain of salt, more like guidelines, really. Jaitim

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