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*Falls from a tree*

Sweet greetings girls and boys,

my name is ... well, I would rather keep my personal information to myself, but you can call me Apple if you like. I am from germany and barely old enough to join this place.
For those that are curious about my gender, I am a simple female with a taste for extraordinary fantasies, which may be a bit exotic itself.
You are wondering how I started to develop an interest into futanari and ended up coming here? Well, I have been an anime and manga(Shoujo and quite a bit of non mainstream stuff) fan for a while now, as well as a lover of jrpgs(Especially Final Fantasy, Wild Arms, but also Disgaea, Dot Hack and Ar Tonelico) and stumbled upon more extravagant types of doujin and rpgs after a while and liked it quite a bit.
Since I tend to chat quite a bit at night, I tend to get into "interesting" kinds of conversations pretty often, thats how I got to know about this site just recently and well, here I am, hoping to have quite a bit of fun.
Thanks to Wow I am not totally clueless about the more exciting kind of roleplay and thats what I am here for, I would love to spend some quality time fantasizing with those that share my tastes.
A word of advice though, I am not interested in getting an online girl or boyfriend, so trying to woo me is a waste of time, which I would rather spend playing something both parties enjoy.
That sounded a little bit icy now, I am not trying to be mean or anything, on the contrary, but I had a few annoying experiences in that regard when I was a bit younger.

So to put it simply, I am looking for playmates that do not mind playing spontaneously on IRC or MSN, I am known as green_apple in #futanaripalace.rp and at MSN. Not too interested in plays over days on the forums, email or something like that, especially since its kinda privat and my mood tends to swing from one day to the other.

Maybe this is a bit too specific for an introduction, but since I already added my contact information, I guess its better to tell those interested what my tastes for roleplaying are. Now that I am trying to put it into words, I am actually getting embarassed, hope you do not mind if I keep it a bit rough.

I like to play teens and young girls for the most part, playing a cute little boy would be fun too, no interest in playing a futanari myself though, I do not know why, but it feels kind of wrong to play a female with the extra part, most likely because I immerse myself in them, weirdly enough, I do not have that problem when playing a girly boy though.
That said, the role I like to take generally is that of the female, devoting myself to my playmate without regards to my pleasure, so I am pretty much a devotee in the literal sense and a little bit passiv for the most part, though there are a few exceptions.

My preferred playmates should not really surprise you, I really love futanari, transgender, traps and female furries and monster girls(with the certain extra part of course).
I like to leave the male part to them, be it wooing my character or forcing herself onto her, I really love partners that know what they are doing and what they want. Being treated a bit mean or being forced is quite fun occassionally, but it is not really requiered, falling for my playmate or just helping out a cutie in need is really exiciting too, depends on my mood though.

I would really like to be a bit clearer or more detailed, but this was embarassing enough, any more and I will really get red cheeks. Thats something to be discussed in private.

Thanks a lot for keeping me company this far, I hope you liked reading a bit about me and that you are not too disappointed. I hope you like my avatar too, took me a while to find her and I instantly fell in love. More of her and a few more characters can be found in the albums section of my profile. I will add a little character introduction later I think if inspiration strikes.

I hope to spend many sweet and fun hours together with you all.

P.s.: Thanks for adding me manually, I hope I did not cause too many troubles.
P.p.s.: Writing without smilies is really hard to get used to and makes me look a bit icy, I hope I do not seem too mean without them.


If you want to draw attention for roleplays, be sure to make a thread in The Notice Board section of Role Playing.

In any case, welcome.

Futa and Male Doujin List (Updated 01/03/12)
My Stories Section (Updated 02/10/14) *New*
FutaRoMa Sanji - The Game

welcome to the forums, it's as always a pleasure to welcome a new member amongst ourselves; you seem especially interesting and I wouldn't mind sharing a RP over IM with you, if you ever want to drop me a PM or VM...

aside from that enjoy your stay here, and feel free to ask any questions you may have...


Mmn, such a sweet disposition, if only a few more gals shared the sentiment.~[URL=""][/URL] << actively seeking females, especially those willing to do pregnancy set-ups; casually seeking shemales (and occasionally futa/herms if you impress me OOC)

*waves* Hi there Apple!

Check my profile for status updates!


SMS World:
[/URL]Sex, Magic, and Suntan Lotion
(My main story)
Meteor Showers(Dani, Sami, Natalie)
Day-at-the-Beach (Dani, Tyler*, Riley*) [URL=""]
Oakcrest Academy: Oakcrest A&P [/URL](Zoey, et al.)


Candace Can't Win
Sisters' Secrets
The Freshman Challenge!

Wilkommen, green apple!

That's about all the German I know aside from "Danke". Enjoy yourself here!

vella Wrote:Wilkommen, green apple!

That's about all the German I know aside from "Danke". Enjoy yourself here!

Es tut mir leid!
Check my profile for status updates!


SMS World:
[/URL]Sex, Magic, and Suntan Lotion
(My main story)
Meteor Showers(Dani, Sami, Natalie)
Day-at-the-Beach (Dani, Tyler*, Riley*) [URL=""]
Oakcrest Academy: Oakcrest A&P [/URL](Zoey, et al.)


Candace Can't Win
Sisters' Secrets
The Freshman Challenge!

Heck of an intro there!



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Hi Apple :3
welcome to FP

Favorite threads:
Adding more calm your tits

Good to meet you, Apple. Nothing wrong in being specific and while I prefer characters and others over eighteen, you sound curiously interesting. I wish you a good time here and to meet many friends who you'll treasure as time goes on.


My avatar's lady is by mond(pixiv50147) and my sigs lady is by upside down~ Credit to their awesome work~

And a forewarning, before we chat~ If you ever wish to RP with me, I'll ask two questions of you. How old are you and do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? The first is I don't RP with young ones, those below eighteen, my optimal age twenty plus. And the second, I refuse to be the cause to a strained relationship between two. I'm alright with open relationships, to a degree, but I am not a party to cheating. These are my principles and despite my want sometimes to have none, that is what I define myself by. I hope you understand. ^^ Click 'ere to see if serving as a slave is your kinda thing~ Jobs there and every

"Danke scheen" or rather, thank you very much for the warm and sweet welcome *Smiles happily* Already feel at home here and happy to have made a few aquaintances already.


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