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"Who are you?"
Uh, a man in his late thirties. Can I stay Anon?

"Where are you from?"
Salt Lake City.

"What do you critique about Futanari?"
They represent something different. Really exotic, but something outside of the norm I'm used to. I'm used to women dominating their men in my culture. They want to change the men because they think they are better than we men and they think they have the right to change thier men. This has the effect of feminizing the men around me. Futanari both represent this de-masculizing of men, and what the women in my community do.

I want a real woman. But the women around me act as if they have cocks. They really do. The futanari I see in FxM really disgust me because on a visceral level they are real. My sisters in law control my brothers as if they have cocks. They control their lives.

"What got you interested in the first place?"

Oh my gosh, I guess it is prophecy. And to see it fulfilled in cartoon form is just disgusting, but it really woke me up.

[B]"What are your favorite kinks/pairings?"

Uhm, Male and Futa romance. Boy meets girl, they start a relationship, find out she is a futa; relationship deepens; then some complications; then them ending up together. Where the male is in charge, still equals, and she's still a futa. This gives me hope.

What sections are you most excited about exploring?"

I have an idea for a male futa romance I'd like to explore. In the future, a girl and her mother arrive in the US. She feels insecure about moving until she meets this hot guy at the airport her age. And then she feels even more insecure since the handsome guy is everything she wanted to have in a best friend but she's afraid that he will learn her secret. Then it snow balls from there.

What brought you to our forums/How did you hear about us?"

I was tired of searching for penis tattoos so I started searching for Futa. Found this place, and started looking. Man, the pictures here are disgusting but that is because they are truthful depictions of Male/female relationships these days. It's not porn because it tells the truth. It's like one of those cutting truths. A woman with a cock dominating her man, it's a social commentary of what is really going on! Women are feminizing their men, and most of the pictures on this sight just brings that into sharp focus. The penis is a sign of domination and control, and when the futa have anal sex with their men, they are taking away what it means to be a man to them.

In truth, women are mindraping their men. In a post feminist movement world, the women are taking away what it means to be men. Futa x Male illustrates this.

"Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?"

I'm not fond of girlcocks. However, I like running, I like being nude, I like swimming nude, I like talking about nudity in a positive light. I love writing about it. If I met a beautiful girl with a dick who treat me like a man and we have a normal friend friend relationship and none of this gender reversal it would like dispel how I feel about them. However, I met a beautiful girl with a pussy and we are just getting on the ball. Smile

I thought they were awesome, but as I saw more futa x male pics, I realized that the first reaction was porn, but the second reaction is social commentary.



Welcome to the Palace!

Communication provides knowledge, knowledge gives power, and there is no greater power than an earth-shaking orgasm.

welcomes and enjoy


Take a deep breath.

I don't disagree with some of the misandrist (which is a word Firefox) tendencies of the kink. But every bit of futa is not some sort of social commentary. If a futa is taking charge in bed with a guy, it doesn't symbolize post-feminism's quest toward emasculation, sometimse the artist/writer just likes being submissive in the fantasy boudoir. To quote Freud: "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Sometimes there is a bit of social commentary, I know I've written porn with that intent, but the topics and messages range a lot more than just 'dickgirls > men'.

It's porn. It's fun to think about sometimes, but the intent is to arouse. Don't get all wound up over it. I've done that in the past, can totally drag all the fun outta it.

So lighten up. Everyone is bound to find stuff that plays against thier kinks and/or personal tastes. Just snap your fingers, say your preferred interjection of mild disappointment and move on when it comes up.

There's people that do and like that nice male fucking futa romance you're interested in. (I'd advise looking down at my signature.) There are also people that enjoy (for many different reasons) the gender-reversal, femdom, futa fucking male sort of thing. So please be mindful of that.

In any case, welcome.

Futa and Male Doujin List (Updated 01/03/12)
My Stories Section (Updated 02/10/14) *New*
FutaRoMa Sanji - The Game
Ah, thanks. I am mindful. I'm just interpreting what the futa on male represents to me. I trained myself not to interpret every picture of man and woman coming together as porn, and bad. I told my best friend after watching a woman diddle herself that I thought it was porn, he said: "Look at it this way, you didn't look at porn, your looking at someone enjoying themselves."

If my interpretation of social commentary offends, its just one of the things in reality I deal with. Yes, I do know that people love the fetish for different reasons. I'm just interpreting it as presenting an hard, cutting truth that society lies about. But if it really helps, some of the stuff here is really beautiful. Again, I hardly think that beauty counts as Porn. To nudists every body is beautiful, even if they are girls that come with something extra.

Thanks for the welcome, Gilgamesh.

Poor "truth." If ever there was a word or concept that got molested more in dark shadowy places, I haven't heard of it. It really should start carrying a protective whistle and invest in a pepper spray keychain.

At any rate, welcome to the forums.

Avatar by Cheezyweapon
Sig Pics by Cheezyweapon, Ittybittybadkitty, and Bishiebunny
Sig by Ittybittybadkitty



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara




Dear EltonJ, the moment I saw your user name the tune to Tiny Dancer went through my head.

I found your theory of futa representing the emasculation of men in current society to be interesting even if I don't agree with everything you say. Certainly there are elements in society that are doing their damnedest to emasculate men. Pointing that fact out is like going outside and pointing at the sun and saying, "See that thing? It's what keeps our planet warm." And it's not hard at all to find those elements in the futa "community".

But there are at least two factors you're missing at work in the futa fetish. One is the bisexual attraction of having elements of both genders wrapped up in one neat package. The other is attraction that males typically have for lesbian porn. However, the problem with lesbian porn is that rubbing two pussies together gets boring after awhile and a strap-on is a poor replacement for the real thing. Futa is the ultimate solution. I'm sure there are more than just those two but those are the ones that pertain the most to my attraction to the futanari. I just don't think most people into futa think of it as anything other than a type of porn. I like futa and I don't feel particularly emasculated. Quite the contrary actually.

Quote:but the topics and messages range a lot more than just 'dickgirls > men'.

It's actually a very small part of the fetish. Although it does tend to draw attention to itself.

True. you are right, Evil Empire, there is the bisexual attraction. I didn't want to focus on that, I wanted to focus on how I felt in how these related to the real world. That, and there are real Hermaphrodites. Or people with both packages. Some identify with the female, and some with the male. This isn't some sort of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome going on there.

There is also the account of Hermaphroditus. Which I think may be actually based in fact, looking at how real Hermaphrodites come into being. But again, I didn't want to focus on that. Both subjects have been well covered, and I have looked into the reasons why men like them.


I know I have annoyed some people, and yes, I can't take those words away. But I wanted them out and in the open before starting another Futa/male thread in stories giving my critiques. Obviously, I like herms in a way, or I won't be here. But since I have my views out in the open on the out set, I can just write the stories I want to see.

I hope everyone who is offended by my introductory post should not take away that I'm am hateful of you in anyway. Mankind is vibrating too much hate out in the universe at present, which will cause a break down of all social order. I really love you all, and most of you do very beautiful work. However, there isn't enough malexfuta stories so is it okay if I write some?


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