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introducing myself

Hello, i am joep and my nickname is fluffy2011
why that nickname? i have no idee is was just there like eureka but not the same
what do i like about futanari? it's very hot in a strange way
how i got interested? surfing surfing and then the wow moment
have i read the rules en other stuff? yes but not everything
what sections i like the most? pics stories getting idees for making a comicbook in the future far away from this time
my other hobbies? growing hot peppers
other communities? proud member of pirates planet
final words, treat people the way you want to be treated Smile


Welcome, fluffy.

"Growing hot peppers"? Wow! That is an interesting hobby! Never heard of that one before but I love hot peppers!




Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Welcome Fluffy I like that nick! Big Grin


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