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Hello there!

Hi there,
I heard that this was an introduction part of the forum so I thought that I would give it a try. This is my first time doing this since this is quite a confusing time for me. For the better part of my life, I have pretty much forced myself into accepting that girls are the correct thing to think about, sexually that is. But recent events, getting my first girlfriend and not being able to... well... do it because of feelings that are not new to me, have made it abundantly clear that I am not who I thought I was. And keep in mind that I am 20 years old, a junior in college and I just had my first gf.
I am in a cloud of confusion as my feelings are just not precise in what they are telling me. I have accepted it as culturally acceptable (Bible belt US citizen here) to be Straight. But now, I get the feeling that this new feeling is going against this overwhelmingly accepted notion in the southern US.
I am... afraid, yes that is the word, afraid of what is to come. There are so many things that I have worked so hard for that now can be ripped away from me, just in a moments notice, if I let certain people know. I am just looking for a "port in the storm", or at least somewhere I can be myself and not have to be criticized.
Well, that is me I guess.


Just a suggestion, don't base your sexual orientation on what might have been a bout of performance anxiety. There is more to it than which tab fits into whose slot. Take some time out for yourself, realize that there is no clock ticking away precious moments of homo/hetero sexuality. It's better for you and better for your future partners if you pause and reflect. Particularly with orientation being less a binary and more of a spectrum. Chances are, that's a good part of the confusion. We are too used to thinking "yes" and "no" that we forget all of the "maybes" that make up our lives.

Whatever the case, be honest with yourself and try not to let culture backlash decide who you are, in the same way you would not want the culture repressing who you might be.

With that out of the way, from one southern gent to another, welcome to the forums.

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Thank you for the advice, but I think you misunderstood. When I said "do it", i meant kiss, hug, to love and to hold. When I tried to hug or kiss, there was nothing. Don't get me wrong, this girl was cute but it just did nothing. It just did not feel right. Like there was something missing. I promised myself a long time ago that my first time making love(sex) would be with a person that I truly love, not some person that I have been dating for a short period of time and just wanted their body for it. Therefore, I am still a virgin (and proud). When I said feeling up above, I meant as in men have a more sexual appearance to me than women. Yes women are cute and beautiful but men just have that feeling of I want to be with them and love them.
That is what I was trying to convey in my previous message.
But anyways, I am pretty sure that I have now made my image just a little darker with appearing to be a forum troll. I guess I do need to work on that.
I appreciate you being polite and kind in your post. So I believe that I owe you a formal apology for the misunderstanding and also for using a US southerner in a derogatory sense. If any offense was taken, I did not mean it.


No need to apologize.

Absolutely no offense was taken, nor did I think any was intended. You're fine just as you are. I probably jumped the gun, but we see a lot of that kind of confusion here. This is a safe place to explore one's sexuality and fantasies, but I do think that sometimes people take all of this a little too seriously.

On the other hand, there are lots of posters on this site with similar experiences that you can talk to, and you may want to swing by Love Chat at some point. Basically, let the friends you find here help you out. And let the fantasy just be what it is; something fun that just about anyone, of any sexual orientation, can enjoy.

I hope you find what you are looking for.

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Sig Pics by Cheezyweapon, Ittybittybadkitty, and Bishiebunny
Sig by Ittybittybadkitty

welcome to the palace!




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Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Welcome to FP Viridianscarab, it is a good place to just be yourself when it comes to sexuality in general, most people are pretty easy going around here, and friendly.


Greetings and Welcome


Thank you all for the welcome! The forums are very kind and friendly here. Although somewhat addicting.



Welcome to FP


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