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Crap, no, I promised I wouldn't do any of that.

Right uh, not trolling, not trolling... Hi? That's something not-trolls say, right?

I usually only join forums to be a little seed of destruction, so joining one because I actually want to be part of the community is a bit of a new experience. It'd be unreasonable to ask for lower standards than others so I'll just do my best not to screw with people like I normally do, or even state my honest opinion, which tends to start flame wars whether I mean it or not.

I'm a bit of a Jekyll and Hide in terms of sexuality. I tend to be masculine and look down on femboys in everyday life but when it comes to the bedroom I'm pretty slutty, I suppose. It should go without saying after that, but yes, I'm here pretty much solely for the futa-on-male stuff.

I DO switch very occasionally, but when I do, well, make sure you can cash whatever checks you write.

I'm a writer, but it's pretty unlikely I'll ever actually contribute something to this site. When I do write, it's normally working on my current going-to-try-to-get-it-published 'book'. I've written lemons/porn fics in the past but not in ages, and probably not again until Take Ten Steps is finished.

RP is just about the opposite. I haven't done anything serious in a real long time, though I've kept up with the 'adult' stuff. I suppose I'm good, judging from feedback, which is probably just a bi-product of being a writer. That being said though I'm up for adult or more serious RP, provided the partner is good enough to make either interesting.

That'll about do for a bio, so uh, all that said, nice to meet y'all. All... 47,000 of you? Christ, that's a lot of members.



That's a lot of users. Damn, this is ha-... DIFFICULT.



I used your mom last night

btw welcome



btw thanks

Atomic Punch Wrote:I used your mom last night

btw welcome

And i used yours

Oh and welcome to FP "trying not to troll "
Siggy by Minizila :3 ~


Lolz hi and welcome to the palace =P.


welcome to the palace!


welcome to the palace, and just remeber to take your shoes off befor you come in Big Grin

You gota admit, its the best sexuality in the world. Whoevers pants you put youre hand down your happy :p

Trying not to troll... We'll see about that!

Seriously though, welcome!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Welcome to FP


wear protection and thank you for being here..

It's not too late america.. the dream is still alive.. democracy is not dead.. it's time to pull our country out of the muck and make it shine! sign the save democracy petition

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