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Hello everyone!

I'm a long-time futa fan, and I'll admit I lurked for a while, but I have stuff to contribute, so hopefully make up for that >.> Um... sorry :17:
Oh yeah, the SL thing, love it XD I'm no stranger to online games, I frequently play FFXI with friends, but SL is completely new for me and a fun experience so far. It's a bit lonely hehe, but I'm pretty new to it, I just downloaded it yesterday. I love the customization and from reading the SL threads for the past two days, it is nice to see a community that is not filled with shallow-minded people. That gets really old really fast.

Anyway, I'll leave it at that for now, nice to meet you all! *damnit don't have a /wave emote, or I'm too tired to find it XD*

Edit: Before I forget, hope the avatar isn't too big, if it is I can resize it. I just love that character.

SL: Kiera Bonham

Hi Syrel, welcome to FP =3, my avatar is kinna big as well but yours is fine =3.


Welcome to FP, Syrel!


welcome to the palace, syrel!


Yes welcome Syrel. We at the Palace look forward to seeing posts from you and hopefully around SL (although I don't play). Enjoy yourself here.


Feel free to contribute as long as there not on the DNP list!

Welcome to FP!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Given some of the monster avatar/sigs we have around here, I am pretty sure that what you have is just fine. SL is an interesting place. When you have friends there, it's constantly jumping. When not, it can honestly seem a little haunted. Wide expanses of "there used to be something, but now, only architecture remains."

It's sort of like the Detroit of the internet.

At any rate, welcome (officially) to the forums.

Avatar by Cheezyweapon
Sig Pics by Cheezyweapon, Ittybittybadkitty, and Bishiebunny
Sig by Ittybittybadkitty

Thanks for the warm welcome Smile And Thanks for the reminder of the DNP list, I would have glossed over that little detail at some point >.>

SL: Kiera Bonham

Hiyas! Welcome aboard! Don't fergit our HUGEMONGUS story section!!! And out HUGEMONGUS image don't fergit we're pretty HUGEMONGUS! That'll pretty much do it. :p


Welcome on FP.


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