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The end of all lurking!...maybe

At last, I have overcome my fear of any board requiring registration (you spoil me far too much, 4chan) and made an account. On top of that I decided to actually make a post too, so I guess I might as well introduce myself while I'm in a posting mood.

In general I'm a fan of anime/manga (duh), Magic: the Gathering, and hilariously bad movies. I am a collector of any and all things weird and exotic, such as food and music, with porn being no exception.

My favorite general futa artists are Maruchiro and USATAROU, and my some of my favorite doujin artists are Horihone Saizou, and Hinemousunotari.

I'll try to contribute when I can, but old lurker habits are hard to break.

"Everything that humans can imagine is a possibility in reality." -Physicist Willy Karen


Hello there and welcome to the "Kinda Active Users" club Tongue

Hope you won't devolve into a lurker anytime soon!

Of all the artists you mentioned my mind can just recognize "Hinemousunotari". (Lack of sleep today xD) Quite good, I like its style.

Song for the newbie!

Watch out, random song is random.


Woo! Hinemosunotari!

Horihone Saizo? ...not so much.

Differences in artist tastes aside, welcome.

Futa and Male Doujin List (Updated 01/03/12)
My Stories Section (Updated 02/10/14) *New*
FutaRoMa Sanji - The Game

You have face your fears then!



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara


* Female members feel free to drop me a line if you want to chat. They are welcomed.

* * For those interested, info about my avatar has been kindly given in a visitor message so check my profile for further information. Please don't PM about it. Thanks.

* * * Check out if you ever get really bored one day.

* * * * Special thanks to Bea for saving my computer's life.
#6 more lurking for you!? That's wonderful~ Hehe!


Heheh, you seem pretty cool. Welcome. Feel free to pm me anytime Wink.


Hi and welcome to FP =3.


Spoiled, by 4chan? Good lord, you are going to love us here.

Welcome to the forums.

Avatar by Cheezyweapon
Sig Pics by Cheezyweapon, Ittybittybadkitty, and Bishiebunny
Sig by Ittybittybadkitty
Bad! Bishie.... [SIZE=3]just saying hello to the populace....

BTW: I am watching an hilariously bad movie as we speak.... thanks to my trip to F.Y.E..



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