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=X-B-V-M-ID: ME=

Just in case I haven't had the honor of meeting you amazing people already, I'm bitcruncher.

The community here is just awesome. I've been a long time viewer, but I don't usually say much.

At least, not yet.


I like to discuss fictional things in detail. People often tell me I think too much. But I've got the feeling they don't think enough. Lol.

This would include all kinds of scientific (and sci-fi) speculation. I often try to include a form of acceptable and reasonable medical and/or biological knowledge (which may or may not be realistically plausible). You'd be impressed with the work I've done on the Bioware forums. Something as simple as comparing the Asari (all female, blue tentacle-headed people. notably parthenogenetic/agamic) to Whiptail lizards, or even detailing how it's even possible that this fictional alien race could have had males at one point in time before parthenogenesis became the dominant form of reproduction.

Well I have to say I'm most proud of that. Never thought I was capable of doing that much thinking on one particular, and especially nonexistent, thing.

Yes this can stem into other forms of media. Be it sexual or not. I'm also a huge techie/cyberpunk.

I totally love the idea of human augmentation and nano tech. Call it what you may, it's a form of unprecedented evolution. At such a time even the term 'evolution' would then become subjective - how would something, then, become 'better' if it merely differs in function from it's predecessor? Such as human life and our sentimental attachment to it, versus consciousness and functional persistence? Are not modern-day corporations already a form of semi-sentient artificial intelligence? Say you were to take the entirety of Microsoft and condense its being into a single entity. It would act and function on its own, even with some of it's parts damaged or broken, and if some part of it 'died', it would simply replace the lost part with a new function.

It's a difficult thing to explain in an introduction.

I also have ADHD. Self-diagnosed. And luckily for you guys, I refuse to take any medications.


Of course it goes without saying that I love futanari artwork. And what I love even more are new and interesting concepts not seen (or dared) before.

I would go into particular details here, but I'll leave something for discussion!

There's nothing I truly dislike. And for such things I'm only objectively critical of and nothing more. No need for hate. Smile


I suppose that's really just brimming the surface here. But I'm honesty a very laid back and open-minded individual. I'm more for the interests of the group than of myself, and I'm willing to help others find solutions of whatever problems they might have.

I believe in intellectual freedom. An idea is worth the value of the universe itself.


Oh, so we have one of those fancy pants intellectuals here, eh? lol :3

Nice to meet ya, name's Razor. *extends hand*


*shakes hand*

Well, You know how it goes. Evolution. Tip end of the bell curve and all.

Strangely that last sentence fits in oddly well here. Lol.


*giggles happily* another ADHD medicine decliner! *hugs you* I hate that stupid medicine, but my ADHD is clinically diagnosed :3

no sig here

Aww *hugs*

Well they always said that drugs were bad for you. Now they're telling us that we need them?

Ok, which is it? Lol.

But seriously, I think drugs are a pretty important reason why society is regressing into a cave-like state. (Among other things.) <- What do most kids around the age of 20 do? Live at home and play video games.




Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Why thank you, O' noble one.


I dunno, some medicine helps. I guess society exists in a subjective state where certain aspects of things are deemed 'acceptable' and 'not acceptable' and it's not always about what is genuinely considered 'good' or 'bad' but based on personal preference and bias dependent on numerous societal effects that those in charge deem worth paying attention to or not.

And I'd love to see your views on fictional beings such as the Cybermen or the Borg as I'm sure it'd be fascinating. Good to meet you.


My avatar's lady is by mond(pixiv50147) and my sigs lady is by upside down~ Credit to their awesome work~

And a forewarning, before we chat~ If you ever wish to RP with me, I'll ask two questions of you. How old are you and do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? The first is I don't RP with young ones, those below eighteen, my optimal age twenty plus. And the second, I refuse to be the cause to a strained relationship between two. I'm alright with open relationships, to a degree, but I am not a party to cheating. These are my principles and despite my want sometimes to have none, that is what I define myself by. I hope you understand. ^^ Click 'ere to see if serving as a slave is your kinda thing~ Jobs there and every

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