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Hi! So I've decided to finally post this aha, yay. My names Skcus (read it backwards)... I'm a universal futa fan I guess, I love everything, mostly 2D art, and I happen to have an extreme liking for animal girls. I got interested a few years ago in them but i stumbled across this site a few months back and i've lurked ever since... I'm really fond of meeting new people, but i tend to be a tad shy (notice how long it took me to post this?) Lets see what else do I do and can share... uhm. I just recently got into SL, but i haven't done much with it. It'd be nice to meet people on it. OH! And I also am a sound engineer, or at least that's the fancy title I use for saying "music producer and/or DJ", anddd that's about it I guess... Hope to talk to everyone soon!


Welcome, skcus!


Welcome out of the shadow of lurking. DJ huh. Do you just mix other peoples music or do you create your own? I'm not well versed in the art of sound engineering so please go in detail. Do you make midi files and things?

vella;866987 Wrote:Welcome, skcus!

Thanks! Big Grin

leo2305;867030 Wrote:Welcome out of the shadow of lurking. DJ huh. Do you just mix other peoples music or do you create your own? I'm not well versed in the art of sound engineering so please go in detail. Do you make midi files and things?

I mix others peoples music or my own, so yes I make midi files and thing. I can make game/cinema scores, or just straight up beats :o



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara
The Guardian Wrote:Welcome!

Thank you Big Grin

Welcome to FP!

Furry Trash, y0. I write futanari/herm and inflation stories.

Adventures of Tiffany the Cat
Rise of the Futanari!
Tongueyong11: RotF has life! Read the Doujin of RotF's first chapter here!
Xaus-LA1 Wrote:Welcome to FP!

Thanks! Smile

Warm Welcome Skus Big Grin

Left deviantArt after five years, if they want to be a Facebook clone and full of narcissistic troll, they can do it with out me.
Darth_Yencoron Wrote:Warm Welcome Skus Big Grin

Thanks alot Big Grin

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