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Hey guys...
I’m new here… I’m an artist, I’ve been doing comics for years, but never anything dealing with futa. I don’t do much comic work anymore, I mainly paint everything in photoshop. I first stumbled across futa,while reading a few mangas (I can’t remember which) a few years ago, and again while watching a webcast of Lisa Hayes drawing a few pics. I found your glossary very helpful, I never knew what Loli or shota were before. I’ll make an attempt at making some futa pictures, but I’m sure that they wouldn’t be as good as what’s already here…

Where would I post my pictures? Do I just go into the 2D forum?

Hi, obi! I guess the 2D section would do but if the mods decide it should go somewhere else, they will just move it so it's not like you'll get into trouble or anything.

Looking forward to seeing some of your work!


Nice to meet you. I hope you have fun here.


Hi There!

Check my profile for status updates!


SMS World:
[/URL]Sex, Magic, and Suntan Lotion
(My main story)
Meteor Showers(Dani, Sami, Natalie)
Day-at-the-Beach (Dani, Tyler*, Riley*) [URL=""]
Oakcrest Academy: Oakcrest A&P [/URL](Zoey, et al.)


Candace Can't Win
Sisters' Secrets
The Freshman Challenge!

Hello and Welcome Smile

obiwansidisi;852347 Wrote:Where would I post my pictures? Do I just go into the 2D forum?
Hmm. Run it by a Mod of the Artist Room. Psychlo Eso (note the 'L') is probably your best bet.

In any case, welcome.
Futa and Male Doujin List (Updated 01/03/12)
My Stories Section (Updated 02/10/14) *New*
FutaRoMa Sanji - The Game



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Also, if you wanna get advice about your work, try the arists sections too, which is pretty self-explanatory when you get down there too. Good to meet you and I'll be interested to see your art.


My avatar's lady is by mond(pixiv50147) and my sigs lady is by upside down~ Credit to their awesome work~

And a forewarning, before we chat~ If you ever wish to RP with me, I'll ask two questions of you. How old are you and do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? The first is I don't RP with young ones, those below eighteen, my optimal age twenty plus. And the second, I refuse to be the cause to a strained relationship between two. I'm alright with open relationships, to a degree, but I am not a party to cheating. These are my principles and despite my want sometimes to have none, that is what I define myself by. I hope you understand. ^^ Click 'ere to see if serving as a slave is your kinda thing~ Jobs there and every

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