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Hello. New here. I will just go by the intro list.

  1. "Who Are You?"
    I am one of many on a small planet amongst many many planets.
  2. "Where are you from?"
    USA to be short.
  3. "What's up with that nick of yours?"
    Well. I like dragons. And a mystik dragon sounds good for an npc in a game. lol
  4. "What do you like about futanari?"
    Not really sure since I am new here.
  5. "What got you interested in the first place?"
    I guess games and the more and more pics that portray them.
  6. "What are your favorite kinks/pairings?"
    Who said I have any!? Where did you hear such things!? I have nothing to say on this matter.
  7. "Have you read over our [URL=""]Rules[/URL] and [URL=""]Do Not Post (DNP) List[/URL]? Do you have any questions?"
    I have read over them. No questions. Just hope I can remember them all and not step on any toes.
  8. "What sections are you most excited about exploring?" Honestly, have no idea.
  9. "What brought you to our forums/How did you hear about us?"
    Slavemaker game brought me here. I would like to try my hand at developing a slave to see how bad I am at it. I was given info that Futanari Palace would be the best place to set up a thread for a slave I would work on. So here I am.
  10. "Anything else you might like to add?"
    Yes. I want a winning lotto ticket.
  11. "Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?"
    Games. D&D for the win. Sleep.
  12. "Other online communities you happen to be a part of?"
    Not really. I did put a few drawings up on one site, but been years ago and haven't checked to see if it still exists.
  13. "Last words before we pass final judgment?"
    You pass judgement?! But I am innocent! Besides, you can't prove a damn thing.



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara


Welcome, Mystik!


I came here for Slavemaker originally. Things... changed. <.<; Good to meet you. ^^~


My avatar's lady is by mond(pixiv50147) and my sigs lady is by upside down~ Credit to their awesome work~

And a forewarning, before we chat~ If you ever wish to RP with me, I'll ask two questions of you. How old are you and do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? The first is I don't RP with young ones, those below eighteen, my optimal age twenty plus. And the second, I refuse to be the cause to a strained relationship between two. I'm alright with open relationships, to a degree, but I am not a party to cheating. These are my principles and despite my want sometimes to have none, that is what I define myself by. I hope you understand. ^^ Click 'ere to see if serving as a slave is your kinda thing~ Jobs there and every

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