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finally got up the nerve...

Hello everyone, as the title says, i finally got up the nerve to actually register a name and everything instead of lurking. I have absolutely no talent art wise and although I have tons of material floating through my head that I think could possibly make good stories, I'm an awful writer. :p Sooo I will just have to contribute in my own small way by thanking profusely those who do have talent in such areas and for helping me indulge in such wonderful fantasies when I read and look at the wonderful pictures here. Smile So far I've enjoyed myself here unregistered, so hopefully that will continue now that I am. Thanks so much, kisses to everyone!



Sometimes a good quip or comment to a story, image or such is as good as a contribution as a story or image. Or you can always fund the creation of art and stories by commissioning someone to make those ideas.

In any case, welcome.

Futa and Male Doujin List (Updated 01/03/12)
My Stories Section (Updated 02/10/14) *New*
FutaRoMa Sanji - The Game

No worries, mystere. Contribute if you like. Otherwiese it's just a nice place to chat and look at naughty stuff as well as some interesting discussion. Welcome!


Welcome welcome! Enjoy your stay and feel free to take part in all the lovely forums around here. Everyone is so very nice Smile


sorry for the late hello, but hello. warm greetings to you. :3 *insert other welcoming line here*

For which as a writer do i decide that a story is over? do i claim to have a magical power to understand everything with the first step. or do i look at it like an explorer does with his first step into the unknown. for when i put my pen to paper, for the most part. i am venturing into a world. i world i know about as well as everyone else. there may be some who make their maps ahead of time for their worlds. My worlds scream to be free. if i make the maps before venturing then the stories can only ever stay to that map. they can only ever stay to that line. I myself cannot limit that. i must let the story lead me as i much as i lead it, but that's just me.

Welcome to the community! ^_^

whatever you say sweety ^_^

Kink list -

f-list version, which hopefully doesn't conflict too much >_<

Furry Futa Maggie Merlot - Maggie

Wow thanks so much everyone! So far it's been really nice, getting my feet wet so to speak and learning my way around and trying not to make a total fool of myself! hehe! i do appreciate all the kind words and welcomes, it means a lot. Like i definitely chose the right place to settle in and meet some interesting people. Thanks again so much!



Welcome, mystere. I am glad you've decided to come out from the shadows of lurkerdom :-)

Communication provides knowledge, knowledge gives power, and there is no greater power than an earth-shaking orgasm.

Most writers and artists enjoy a bit of appreciative encouragement. That's a contribution all it's own.

Welcome to the forums. ^^

Avatar by Cheezyweapon
Sig Pics by Cheezyweapon, Ittybittybadkitty, and Bishiebunny
Sig by Ittybittybadkitty



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

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