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Hello there

Hi everyone, for some times I've planned to join certains activites on the board. As you can see, I'm a pretty lurker (over a year and a half, oh lord...), so I think about made a proper presentation before.

Then, I'm a french man of 24 years, futafan for so long I can't remember and gladly enjoy this marvelous board so far. The pseudo's just a random I use quite some time so it's the first time I use it for not lurking ahahah.

Here it is, if by any means you think I don't write properly in english feel free to tell me, and hope we'll have fun together.


welcome to the palace, falbala!


Welcome to FP


I lurked for quite awhile before I made myself known. Now just look at me. They can hardly get me to shut up. Though they have tried, oh how they have tried.

Welcome to the forums!

Avatar by Cheezyweapon
Sig Pics by Cheezyweapon, Ittybittybadkitty, and Bishiebunny
Sig by Ittybittybadkitty

I've also been a futafan for so long I can't remember when it started!

Welcome to FP!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Bienvenue a FP!


Thank you pals !

Mon mon the owner of Life Of Sora who praised me:214: (such an awesome website back then).

vella : Merci, j'vois qu'il y a quand même du francophone dans le coin o/

I'm the space invader, I'll be a rock' n' rollin' bitch for you.

F-list page.

Hi and welcome to the palace =3.


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