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A welcoming place.

Hey there everyone, I'm very happy to have finally joined FP and just wanted to let others know I was, if you'd ever like to chat let me know I'm pretty open as far as most things go. Well I don't want to talk too much just wanted to introduce myself n.n

~Look a not very well done sig!~ -Gasp-
Purple is are other futa's, fems, and in a few exclusive cases males -rolls eyes-
Did someone say RP! -gasps again-
Always up for a good rp, clean ...or prefferebly dirty hehe...
-arms flailing- I'm a switch so don't let the shaft frighten you away!
Mm. Caffeine is an amazing thing...and uh...hmm -thinks about what else to put- Demonology and Heartache by Atreyu is my fave song ever so if you haven't heard it listen to it -Rawr! :3 Oh before I forget, I give free hugs, specially when you have pretty picture for me to oggle OwO

Hi ElliaDahlia! Welcome to FP!


Welcome to the Palace, hope you enjoy it here as much as the rest of us.

I :8: Futa

My List:

Welcome ElliaDahlia! Enjoy your stay ;Wink


Hi ElliaDahlia, welcome to FP =3.



Send me a PM, I'm really friendly and love to chat about dirty things. If you're a lady or ladyboy and love your ass licked, please send me a message..I would gladly take care of that for you.

welcome to FP!


I don't talk much also!

Welcome to FP!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

I have to admit, I am liking the sig, even with the misspelling*.

Welcome to the forums!

*unless there is some pun or reference I'm not getting

Avatar by Cheezyweapon
Sig Pics by Cheezyweapon, Ittybittybadkitty, and Bishiebunny
Sig by Ittybittybadkitty

Greetings and enjoy your stay!


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