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Moo, y'all!

Hi there! I'm Maid!

I enjoy singing, dancing, drawing, sweets, salads, sex, and of course futa!

I'm an artist as well, I may upload some of my work here if it turns out to be a friendly-enough place. A lot of my work is futa-prOnz but I do females also. I rarely do males (I'm not very good at them...except femme bois and I don't much care for them honestly).

I'm a very fun-loving and friendly person, I hope this is a low-drama community, drama triggers my migraines...I am also an art snob, but I'm not an aggressively mean one (I won't say things like "OMG YOU SUCK GO DIE!!!"), if I don't like your work I won't say anything (if you can't say something nice...). If I do like your work, however, you will be praised and should feel proud that such a snob likes your obviously wonderful work!

I adore animals and non-human creations, so expect a lot of those from me. I do humans occasionally but I try not to make up characters I will never use. Expect a lot of repeat characters, I am very attached to the ones I have created!

Hope y'all will be nice, don't be afraid to talk to me!


My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard!!

Got tits?

**If you decide to add me on one of my IM services, please include a note with IM telling me you are from FP. I get a lot of bots.**


Hello there and welcome to THE futa palace Big Grin

If you are an artist (and post in the right sections) you're gonna be so much beloved.

Hope you find us fine.

There's a little drama here and there but generally speaking you are free to do what you want, as long as you don't break any rule.

Well, I think that's it for introducing you to this community, if you feel lost inside the palace just VM or PM me anytime and I'll give you some guidance.

See you around, Rikko.


Your moniker and thread title have amused me enough to make a post.

Moo there yourself.

Seriously though, welcome.

Futa and Male Doujin List (Updated 01/03/12)
My Stories Section (Updated 02/10/14) *New*
FutaRoMa Sanji - The Game

Welcome to the palace.....damn I can't use milk jokes anymore.....


I, who have awakened,
[These Eyes open and the world quakes!]
Am the Heavenly Dragon who has slain god and assumed the principles of domination!
[None will stand above me!]
I surpass the infinite and pursue the dream!
[My wings will NEVER be clipped!]
I shall become the Red Dragon of Domination!
And I shall sink you to the depths of the crimson purgatory!
[Let the eternal nightmare begin]

Milk does a body good, in more ways than one. Granted, we get a lot of cream around here, sort of as a natural by-product. Feel free to art snub to your hearts content, long as you follow your own rule about drama and everything shall go just fine.

Welcome to the forums, looking forward to your upcoming contrimootions.

What? I had to get at least one in there.

Avatar by Cheezyweapon
Sig Pics by Cheezyweapon, Ittybittybadkitty, and Bishiebunny
Sig by Ittybittybadkitty

A nice intro there!

I'm sure you will be accepted just fine!

Welcome to FP!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

welcome to the palace!

artists are moo-re than welcome!! Smile)



* Female members feel free to drop me a line if you want to chat. They are welcomed.

* * For those interested, info about my avatar has been kindly given in a visitor message so check my profile for further information. Please don't PM about it. Thanks.

* * * Check out if you ever get really bored one day.

* * * * Special thanks to Bea for saving my computer's life.

Pretty and cutie cow :133:, welcome to FP =3.


welcome to the Palace. I look forward to talking to you more later.

Why should I listen to you? All you do is lie to me. I'm tired of all your deception. You Say you do it because you love me, but how do I know thats not another lie?

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