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far too long have i hidden in the shadows of a Futa infested world. I am 21, and my curiosity expands faster than the universe when it comes to anything of such-relation. BDSM, s&M and anything forcefully painful give me kicks and shits while i giggle. with much love do i welcome myself.. >Big Grin<
(16 packages of matches in the pocket)


Welcome to the palace Smile Nice to see you step out of the shadows Big Grin


Welcome on FP.


Sup, welcome to FP! ^^
Thanks for comin to the light dude :157:

If I chose how Im supposed to die, Ill be surrounded by a ton of almighty ganja nd I'll proudly say these exact words:
:184: "Awwwwwsoooome!"

[URL="StrokeAce" p4p blog][/URL]
~Yo, check out my story!(Green Venom series) Chapters 1-5 is completed.
(A Spider Caught In Yarn)

~RP ideas if anyone's interested:(Wanna RP Anyone?)

~My Futa/Fem image thread! (
Futa on women)

Welcome to Futanari Palace.

For those who play with fire. My old sig Pic.

Welcome to FP Wink

Tongueyong26:"Im taking over onion head! Leave town!":114:
:202: "You could'nt possibly defeat me!" Tongueyong6:
Tongueyong26:"What were you saying again?":210:

"FP has a mascot!" :67:

Welcome to FP!

Enjoy your stay!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

The Incredible Multi-RolePlayer gives his regards and welcomes you to the wonderful place, Futanari Palace, the best place on the net for all the open-minded people.

Welcome to the palace Big Grin

Yo, welcome to FP!

-Hope for the best, expect the Worst.

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