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...hi. my name's martyr.

greets. my name's martyr. all you need to know is that my name is martyr and im good at finding things. i'm al all or nothing person; if i see it unfit, i will not attempt. hense the nickname which my friends help find me--they gave it to me, i didnt make it up. i tend to be confrontational to things i beleive in. i dont beleive in much, but when someone opposes me or any of my friends, certain things--like getting hurt--are not even close to my mind. all i care about is helping them.

there was this one time, i did something i still regret to this day. something incredibly stupid which caused a series of chain reactions and bad rumors setting loose like wildfire and reducing me to a hermit where my only true friend is my girlfriend (which i will marry and have many, many, many children--you know them catholics... no protection... Wink ).

anyways, the point is i did something stupid, my friend to whom what i did concerned wanted to kick my ass. i heard him saying that to another person while he thought i wasnt listening and i confronted him: "if you really mean it, do it now", i said as i spread my arms and stared coldly into his eyes. he stood up from his seat--after glancing around to see who was watching... mostly for girls...--and then hit me. several times. i did not cry, i did not feel bad at all for letting him do that.

the reson i did that is my own, and if you want to know why, then i will smile and tell you politely "none of your business"

anyways, thats why my nickame's martyr. its not a very known nickname, but it stuck to those who know me.

on a completely different key... :::

i love to write: i write poems, stories, and novels, etc. i love thinking up random characters and write little stories about there lives in my head when im sitting alone, not doing much of anything other then daydreaming. right now i'm working on a series about a young man who is slowly being posessed and is being told from his point of view. i just thought it'd be interesting to start out my eventual career of being a writer. i tihnk it's a pretty good idea, and if i do it right, i'll sell alot of books just because the back description of the story is interesting. anyways, ill put up the story somewhere here, so you dont have to pay for it when it comes out in solid copy (i dont need the money now, so publishing it wont be necisary yet. just dont spread it out when i put it on the shelves. i will find you and sue you for all youre worth. ) because i'm nice. ish.

i also love music. i like my music, you like yours. so what? i play guitar, bass, keyboard, and synthesizer/ computer-gen'd instruments (techno, etc.). ill put up a link to my music myspace once i get my stuff together and choose the songs i want to put up for all to hear.

on another key, i am messy, unorganised, and lazy. but i know where everything is in my unorganisation, clean where it counts (at work, not at home), and motivated when i see fit. if you ask me about something i will try my best to help you by any means needed. i have a few skills, one of them being finding things that dont belong to me...

which leads to another note: i'm a pirate. not in the sense or i rape and pillage and sail the seven seas... moreso in the idea that i steal things off the internet: music, movies, games... i pay for netflix and make illegal copies of the dvd's i get, and give them away to people who want them for free... and i dont pay for my my internet (unportected wireless modems for the win!)

im an scientist: i belive we all evolved from monkies. (i've got this pretty freaking awesome shirt with the darwin fish and the jesus fish holding hands. my girlfriend's got a matching one. her parents dont like me too much... ) that's that. we were not created by any 'god' or anything else, we just evolved. the world was better off without religion, and i think that man shouldave not been so stupid to invent it in the first place and cause all the conflict that is still going on today--and has been for as long as history goes. when it was first made, it was good, but then people corrupted it and amde it bad. at first; there was man. it was good. then he made religion. which was bad. in all honesty, i tihnk that it's the most moronic thing that's ever been made, but i respect those who look to it for comfort, reason to live, reason to be 'born again' , etc. but if you use it as an excuse for hating someone for their beliefs, then you are insolent and do not deserve even life itself in my mind. but if it works for you, helped you progess or keep moving along in your life, then bravo. huzzah. good for you. im happy that youre happy: whatever floats your boat. if you want to flame me for being an evolutionist /scientist then go ahead. i wil laugh at you and then ignore you.

in a nutshell: im martyr. i'm a writer. i love music. my girlfriend is the most important thing in the world to me. i dont like people, i dont have very good people skills, i beleive some things should be free and arent, and think that humanity is slowly going to kill itself off and be the basis for destruction in the universe.

thankyou for reading my page. have a beautiful day.

As my voice fades into the electonics, pulsing slower and slower
You finally realise
I was right.

hi there and welcome to the palace Smile

We all change. When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.


Feeling Strange fanstories
Sakura's story collection

Temp suspended Rps: My Friend's Toy Couching Tiger Hidden Trap

picturesque and the biggest post i ve seen in here.

glad to have you among us martyr.

[SIZE=2]Hey, I wish I had my way,Cause everyday would be a Friday[/SIZE]

[Image: samsigv2ud8ry5.png]

welcome, im sure you'll feel right at home here



Now that's one hell of an intro!

Welcome to FP!

Enjoy your stay with us!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

heh... thanks guys. i feel welcomed.

As my voice fades into the electonics, pulsing slower and slower
You finally realise
I was right.
martyr Wrote:my girlfriend is the most important thing in the world to me. i dont like people

First of all welcome to this wonderful place and have a wonderful time here.Big Grin
Your intro is really impressive. I think it's one of the biggest so far.:39:

But there is one thing which disturbs me and sounds rather strange.

Why did you say that you don't like people. If it's like that why the hell do you write that your girlfriend is the most important thing to you?
First you write something about your girlfriend and suddenly you say that you don't like people. This sounds a little bit controversial.
Besides if someone didn't like people why would he join communities in order to talk with people.
This makes in my eyes no sense. If someone din't like people I would expect that he/she has no girlfriend.

But anyway I hope my comment wasn't too rude and didn't offend you.
If so I'm sorry but I had to say it because it sounds a little bit stupid and contrary in my opinion.

Or was this comment just a joke?

By the way you sig looks really cool. That's why I wanted to know from which movie this sig is?
[SIZE=2]Measure Method Of Big Tits

Hiay! welcome home. I cant read but it looks good! lol
I dont know why but i like you.
Ill be your friend
if you want
Check out my art Im trying my hand at DGart....
UberArt thread!

DogBlack Wrote:First of all welcome to this wonderful place and have a wonderful time here.Big Grin
Your intro is really impressive. I think it's one of the biggest so far.:39:

But there is one thing which disturbs me and sounds rather strange.

Why did you say that you don't like people. If it's like that why the hell do you write that your girlfriend is the most important thing to you?
First you write something about your girlfriend and suddenly you say that you don't like people. This sounds a little bit controversial.
Besides if someone didn't like people why would he join communities in order to talk with people.
This makes in my eyes no sense. If someone din't like people I would expect that he/she has no girlfriend.

But anyway I hope my comment wasn't too rude and didn't offend you.
If so I'm sorry but I had to say it because it sounds a little bit stupid and contrary in my opinion.

Or was this comment just a joke?

By the way you sig looks really cool. That's why I wanted to know from which movie this sig is?

nono, not out of line at all. i just don't like people in general. also, generally, i dont like being around large groups of people, i shouldave elborated. i'm very hermitic and choose to stay inside all day online, or hang out with specific people. i dont like public places, i avoid them when possible. in private i am more calm and relaxed, and very open. even moreso when i know that online, i can tell you my darkest secrect, but if i dont tell my actual name, location, etc. i still remain completely anonymous until i do tell you said personal info.

when i wrote that, changing the subject from my girfriend, to saying i dont like people, in my mind i was thinking... "i dont like anyone else, but my girlfriend, actually... now that i think about it. that is probably a very stern and puts it all on one side of the teeter-totter... but it's true. i dont like alot of people. if i do, then there's something i like about said person, and feel that i may enjoy myself when with hense stated person.". so, if you look at it that way, it make sense. kinda. i guess. reading between the lines... or trying to convey telepathic messages across the intranetz.

im kinda a staccerbrain, dont always do things in order.

not a joke, i kid you not.

and i have no clue what movie my sig is from. someone told me once, but i cant remember japanese names--let alone american ones-- for the life and/or death of me. i just liked it and i saved it. i do that. see something, like it, take it. sorry...

i like how the guy just kinda blinks like he dosent know wtf is going on... gahd, its funny to me.

PS: if i knew what moie it was, i'd watch it constantly just to see the fake gore. im not into real gorey stuff, but the fake, explosive, 'organs under pressure' gore like my sig.
As my voice fades into the electonics, pulsing slower and slower
You finally realise
I was right.

Ah, know I understand.:p

Yeah, I also like the gore part of your sig. It looks so exaggerated that your sig makes me laugh.:24:

[SIZE=2]Measure Method Of Big Tits

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