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(25th May 2024, 00:02)SwordMasterLink Wrote: Update from technical advisor:

- It's multiple hundreds of GB.
- Preliminary testing confirmed that moving the Hoster should be feasible.

Due to the sheer size and the pretty much non-responsive support from the pre-existing hosting company, matters are progressing in the magnitude of weeks. Also I seem to have a recurring preference for words starting with 'pre'.

Can we get a 'Pre'-Yeah!!!?

Im sad to hear the site will probably get taken down.

When it comes to saving its content we might be able to rely on wayback machine, the only issue is that most content here is locked if you arent logged in. So if possible it would be great if that permission was removed so we could make a new wayback machine snapshot.

(26th May 2024, 08:27)hejjhajj Wrote: Im sad to hear the site will probably get taken down.

When it comes to saving its content we might be able to rely on wayback machine, the only issue is that most content here is locked if you arent logged in. So if possible it would be great if that permission was removed so we could make a new wayback machine snapshot.

You missed a lot of the conversation then.

I'm taking over ownership.  We're working on finding a new host as the old host's customer service Sucks Low Hanging Futa Balls (There's a nice thread for that no less).  Sucks so bad as in multiple attempts to contact in the last week and no reply as of yet.  No communication?  No more money for them.  We've already tested out the MyBB transfer to make sure it'll function.  Answer?  Yes.

Now we are researching a new host to take utilize.

So?  FP not going anywhere.  Also?  We have some plans once it's up and running to try to get more traffic.  But gotta fix issues with prior problematic host transfer so new users don't see lots of threads that have bad attachments.

TLDR?  Sites staying.

Take care everyone just tuning in!

Update to all.

I've found a server to host the site. Now with help from a resident tech expert that has been assisting me in this endeavor I will be ordering the host shortly and we'll then be migrating the server. After that Echoen can safely remove the old host and their bullhockey support from their life forever.

So, Yes. Staying Alive guys, gals, and all others in between that are still lurking in the interwebs.


Thank you for taking over and helping this place out. It was sad to think it might go away and had been rather stagnant. Good to see you helping it flow swammy. Now the question is how to communicate the new website before this one is set down. And if its an absentee host then yes we need to just leave them.


Our plan is that as soon as the new host location is set, we'll do a full site transfer and then point the DNS over to it. We may lose an hour or two when we push the button but really not that much.

The biggest problem is that the current site is about 38gbs of data and we need to move it all over. But that's easily done in the framework and the people helping.

(30th May 2024, 02:51)swammy Wrote: Our plan is that as soon as the new host location is set, we'll do a full site transfer and then point the DNS over to it.  We may lose an hour or two when we push the button but really not that much.

The biggest problem is that the current site is about 38gbs of data and we need to move it all over.  But that's easily done in the framework and the people helping.

 Wow 38GB, thats quite a lot Godspeed with the transfer!

will a server transfer effect anything like rules?
im thinking if the server is located in a different country that doesnt allow certain content

(3rd June 2024, 00:00)hejjhajj Wrote: will a server transfer effect anything like rules?
im thinking if the server is located in a different country that doesnt allow certain content

That information will be released before and after the server migration.
(3rd June 2024, 00:00)hejjhajj Wrote: will a server transfer effect anything like rules?
im thinking if the server is located in a different country that doesnt allow certain content

Regarding Rules - We do not believe we will have to change the current rules. However, I will be reviewing them in the near future against both the host country and the owner country. Since they are two different locations.

Also, as a heads up.

New host procured.  We're just in the process of installing the correct supporting software there before migration.  Working on the Domain Name tonight.

Our plans are that there may be like 1 hour or 2 of disconnect (A day max) as we point the .com info to the new host.  Tops.  If all goes well?  There won't be any downtime.  

Thanks to everyone for being patient with us.

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