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if is is not possible to find another one it would be great if the stories can be stored yes. or maybe get uploaded on ao3 or something like it.


Is there any chance you can share some stats and Q&A

Q: How big is the database? (megs, gigs)
Q: If the attachments are not stored in the datatbase, how much space do they take? (megs, gigs)
Q: What does it cost to run? (hosting costs, server, storage, band-width)
Q: What ISP are you running on? (ie, which host allows porn)
Q: How much time do you collectively have to spend on the site a day/week/month?
Q: Can you break down the time? (updates, spam, copyright claims, thread mod, ...)

Sorry if these questions are already answered somewhere. I get they might scare a new owner off but it would still be nice to know.

In any case, thanks so much for running it these last few years. I've enjoyed it a lot!


Added information into the primary post


At 630mb it comfortably fits a torrent file as an archive. If new ownership is not found is it possible to at least seed one until it takes off?


If something like an archive or a backup of the database could be preserved somewhere like a torrent or a Mega, I think that it is possible to extract the stories from it... I do not know about any of the other types of posts though.


I will take that option gladly over losing the stories


Updated with answered questions.

There are 5 days left for a new owner to step up and take ownership. The new owner may know how to or be able to do some of these things that are requested, but it will be their responsibility. Someone must step up within the next 5 days.


I think as long as the stories can be backed up somehow, we can survive with the site gone Sad

A lot of the stories are unique to FP like misfit, mcfruit, cutecindy, etc content. Would really suck to lose it all.


If no one else steps up Im willing to pay for a few months of support. And I wouldnt be able to do anything with running it.

Also is it possible to make it a banner announcement? Because I don't think most people check the news forum.


The backup may also serve to reup the site in another server. I have been looking and there are less pricey cloud-based alternatives to house adult stuff.


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