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*Jumps into the room blowing kisses left and right!*

um................. wow.................

oh sorry lost in thought



It is better to keep your mouth shut, and be thought a fool, then to open it and remove all doubt. (mark twain)

When I cut my finger, that's a tragedy. When you fall down a manhole and die, that's a comedy. (Mel Brooks)

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity (Robert Heinlein)

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. (Albert Einstein)

You get lost in thought sometimes.

Elegant Succubus Wrote::149: Welcome!

BTW, I absolutely LOVE your shiznat avatar. A passionate hug/kiss combo with all arms firmly wrapped around each other... Beautiful! I've never RP'd before, but I suspect you'd be Shizuru in this pairing, right? Smile

"Shiznat"? "Shizuru"? Never either of those... but I have to admit, yes, I love the avatar as well! They look so adorable like that. And it's not even erotic! For me, the whole 'love' theme of the pic is what really does it for me. ^^

And you should try Role Playing! It's plenty of fun, really!

And thank you to everyone who's given me a warm welcome! I feel so loved! :8:

welcome to the forums

I love to RP and im happy to accomodate just about any fetish, kink or gender into them. I hope to hear from your soon Wink

Yo, and Welcome to the Palace LezMistress

Please enjoy your stay :157:

Yah, I own Viva Pinata:TiP ... WHAT OF IT! -Itchy Nugget-


LezMistress Wrote:"Shiznat"? "Shizuru"? Never either of those... but I have to admit, yes, I love the avatar as well! They look so adorable like that. And it's not even erotic! For me, the whole 'love' theme of the pic is what really does it for me. ^^

And you should try Role Playing! It's plenty of fun, really!

And thank you to everyone who's given me a warm welcome! I feel so loved! :8:
FYI: Shizuru (brown-haired on the right) and Natsuki (blue-haired on the left) are two characters from the animes Mai Hime and Mai Otome. They have a rather interesting relationship, which has been the subject of a number of both lovingly sensual and passionately erotic fan arts, writings, fantasies, etc. The term for this relationship is Shizuru+Natsuki=ShizNat. Many fans (myself included) simply cannot get enough of this pair. Hope that clears it up!

Do you mind giving me a brief education on RP'ing as I am completely ignorant on the subject. I went to the RP forum here, but I must admit I was a bit overwhelmed. I have some suspicions, but what exactly is involved? What are the general expectations in regards to preparation, duration, writing skills, etc? Is it usually "real time" or via e-mail exchange?
Elegant Succubus Wrote:FYI: Shizuru (brown-haired on the right) and Natsuki (blue-haired on the left) are two characters from the animes Mai Hime and Mai Otome. They have a rather interesting relationship, which has been the subject of a number of both lovingly sensual and passionately erotic fan arts, writings, fantasies, etc. The term for this relationship is Shizuru+Natsuki=ShizNat. Many fans (myself included) simply cannot get enough of this pair. Hope that clears it up!

Do you mind giving me a brief education on RP'ing as I am completely ignorant on the subject. I went to the RP forum here, but I must admit I was a bit overwhelmed. I have some suspicions, but what exactly is involved? What are the general expectations in regards to preparation, duration, writing skills, etc? Is it usually "real time" or via e-mail exchange?

Hmmmm.... I suppose I could take you under my wing so to speak. Really all you need are good writing skills. And that doesn't come to everyone, but it's quite necessary if you want any enjoyment out of the experience. Mostly Role Playing takes place over an Instant Messaging service of some sorts, although I suppose that it could also easily be done over forums on the internet. I suppose this would add to the excitement of it, having the sexuality being displayed for an audience to see. Though I have never done Role Playing in Forums, I have done it many times in Instant Messaging, and would be happy to try one of either way with you if you're willing to give it a try! ;Wink

I wanna roleplay. I WANNA!!! I do tabletop, IM's and forums for awhile now. Almost a decade. WHEE!!!


Welcome LezMistress, enjoy your stay to the palace ^_^


Welcome Mistress!

Let me introduce myself I also enjoy a bit of the dominating Role-playing ^_^ I use MSN most often so if you like go ahead and add me. And we can talk a bit more when you get the time. Have a great day!


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