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Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!"

Thank you The Gauardian. I just started reading your Life of Sara, very nice. Only read chapter 1 & 2, but I like it so far.


Greetings and Welcome


Thank you Astroforce!


Hey Robynn, a bit late but welcome and........I really do like your avatar.

beibdnn Wrote:Hey Robynn, a bit late but welcome and........I really do like your avatar.

Oh, no worries Beibdnn! Thank you none the less. Big Grin Hit me up if you ever want to chat!

Welcome to FP hope you will have lots of fun interacting with members here. Tongue

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SchoolGirlRin Wrote:Welcome to FP hope you will have lots of fun interacting with members here. Tongue

Oh I hope I do! I love to chat and RP with people.

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